week 3 - pluralism and elitism Flashcards
what is the basis of pluralism?
most traditional and mainstream approach
arena-based approach analysing power and politics
looking at the relationship between gov’t and various interests and PGs
society made up of different groups who compete for influence over the state
not one group is dominant over society or the decision-making process
what is the 1st face of power?
decision making
who are classical pluralists?
Dahl and Truman
what do classical pluralists believe?
the variety of institutions which have varying degrees of connectivity to each other
the state is seen as complex assemble of institutions
society is made up of different groups with different agendas, complex state and complex society, it becomes difficult for one group to dominate the state
pluralists see multiple sights of power
power is diffused, groups able to pull on a variety of resources to influence policy
state is relatively neutral
state must act in the interest of the whole electorate
what are the criticisms of pluralism?
over-emphasising the ease that groups have influence over the gov’t
some groups have more access to resources
is the state neutral? gov’t have their own agendas
structural inequality a problem for groups
methods skew results and data - looking at only 1st face of power not 2 or 3
structural power over lobbying firms - Bank of England
what is reformed pluralism?
Jordan and Richardson
response to the criticisms of classical pluralism
some groups have more powers than others
some have closer relationships with the gov’t
outsiders tend to be excluded
some groups will never be acknowledged by the gov’t
but counterveiling power can develop in other parts of the state
Focus in High Politics rather than Low Politics
What is High Politics?
areas of policy which have high public profile and be more important to the national interest
What is neo-pluralism?
associated with Charles Lindblom
Marxist, pluralist and elitism ideas
recognition that decision-making tends to be dominated by one group - big businesses
privileged position of power due to their powerful economic position
gov’t and business in a capitalist society and collaborate together to be able to work effectively
gov’t actors are constrained by the structural power of business interests
healthy economy is more likely to lead to electoral success, feelgood factor
what is pluralism and multi-level gov’t?
policy making is seen to increasingly become pluralised
since the 1980s, liberal gov’t more parts of the state have been hollowed out
given to private enterprises, moved responsibility from the gov’t
harder for one group to dominate
what is elitism?
arena based approach
2nd and 3rd face of power
empirical and normative
gov’t decisions are seen to be affected by deep structures of power that needs to be interpreted
state power is more likely to reflect wider societal inequalities
ideological domination
what is classical elitism?
iron law of oligarchy
every gov’t will become dominated by elites, all throughout history
elite rule is inevitable and democracy is limited or at word a myth
Foxes and Lions
emergence of leadership class is inevitable as well as elite domination
therefore Marx’s vision of a classless society is flawed
leadership class is able to control the flow of information and appointments
what is democratic elitism?
associated with Weber
democracy is seen to be limited and unachievable way of organising gov’t
critical of Marxism that economic power is the basis of political basis
some groups have the basis of status, others their party
there is a clear distinction between power and authority
what are the 3 basis of authority?
traditional authority - monarch, granted to them by custom and tradition
charismatic authority - personality of a leader
rational authority - objective rules or processes, authority given by the rules of the game
who is Joseph Schumpeter? what did he say abot elitism?
extended Weber’s critique of Marxism to argue that elite rule is inevitable
mass participation is unrealistic and unachievable
citiziens prepared to leave decision-making to a class of political elites
elitism protects us against the authoritarian of the masses
need politicians and responsible elites who have the knowledge and resources to protect from the rise of populism
what is modern elitism?
Theda Skocpol - state autonomy theory
state is the most powerful actor
political elites have relative autonomy from economic elites
power of the state has waned and eroded
policy, national and international, is being transferred to ‘epistemic communities’
elites tend to dominate the knowledge and resources that make decision-making possible