Week 3 - Part 2 Flashcards
Testosterone drugs
Testosterone: transdermal
Cypionate: ester, IM injection, slow release
Stanozolol: oral, alkylated, hepatotoxicity
Used: male hypogonadism (due to hypotestosterone)
sides: diminished fertility, decreases testicular size, erythrocytosis, gynecomastia
Anti-androgen drugs
Leuprolide: GnRH analog (inhibits LH secretion)(use: prostate cancer, endometriosis, fibroids, precocious puberty, sides: hot flashes, bone loss, vaginal dryness, ED)
Finasteride: 5a-reductase inhibitor (used for BPH and male baldness)
Flutamide: androgen receptor antagonist (use in conjunction with GnRH analog,, use for metastatic prostate cancer,, side: galactorrhea, gynecomastia, hot flashes, *hepatic failure)
Impotence drugs
Alprostadil: PGE1, intracavernous injection, dilates arteries, lasts 1-3hrs
Tadalafil, vardenafil, sildenafil: PDE5 inhibitors (stops breakdown of cGMP, thus more cGMP and NO, which relaxes corpus cavernosum smooth muscle) (sides: headaches, flushing, visual disturbance, *contra in pts with Nitrates due to extreme hypotension
Testosterone and DHT actions
testosterone- 5a-reductase- DHT
testo: gonadotropin feedback, spermatogenesis(FSH too via sertoli cell), wolffian duct differentiation, behavior
DHT: external virilization, anabolism, muscle mass
LH stimulates Leydig cell to make testosterone which stimulates sertoli cell (FSH does too), which makes inhibin which feedbacks to pituitary/GnRH
Delayed male puberty
absence of 2ndary sex char by age 14 in US
defect in GnRH- LH/FSH- testicular steroid axis (low testosterone)
Primary (high LH/FSH): get karyotype- Klinefelter(xxy), gonadal dysgenesis,, if normal then test for adrenal insuff, tumor, trauma, torsion, postinfxn
Secondary (low FSH/LH): if fam hx+ then adrenal insuff or constitutional delay,, if anosmia then Kallman syndrome,, if not then check anorexia, prolactin, IHH, tumor, iron
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
delayed male puberty, low T long bone abnormality of leg psychosocial abn, ADD pulm probs, cancer, SLE, DM XXY
Causes of male infertility
testicular: most common,, usually reversible,, varicoceles, gonadotoxins, primary testicular probs
Post-testicular: obstruction, ejaculation probs
HPG-axis (testosterone, LH/FSH)
changes take 90 days to reflect in the sperm
always get at least 2 semen analysis
Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
cause of infertility
autosomal recessive,, mostly CFTR gene, usually 2 mutations, 2nd in 5T allele
cause involution of genital ducts during embryo
spermatogenesis is not impaired
If CFTR is neg, then renal anomalies are common, defects in mesonephric duct
Control of bladder/sphincter/urination
CNS: voluntary control via inhibition of reflex detrusor contraction
Pontine micturition center coordinates contractions and relaxations
Parasympathetic: direct motor activation of detrusor contraction (ACh-muscarinic)
Sympathetic: inhibition of detrusor (B3-adrenergic) and contraction of internal sphincter (a-adrenergic)
Somatic: control of external urethral sphincter
Reflex: stretch receptors in bladder via spinal cord promotes detrusor contraction
Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia
damage to brainstem/pons/spinal cord that causes discoordination of micturition
detrusor and external sphincter contract- high bladder pressure
Voiding dysfunction of urine
Failure to store:
-urge incontence: detrusor overactivity
-overflow incontenence: underactive detrusor
-stress incontinence: urethral sphincter weakness
Failure to empty:
-weak/areflexic detrusor
-urethral obstruction (prostate, surgery, hyperactive (neurogenic)
If you have both detrusor and sphincter probs= mixed urinary incontinence (MUI)
Overactive bladder
urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia, urge incontinence
causes: inflammation/UTI, neurologic, metabolic(diabetes), urethral obstruction
Risks: menopause, obesity, prolapse
Tx: restrict fluids, kegels, anticholinergics, B3-agonists, surgery
Commensals role in UTIs, etc
lower vaginal pH (lactic acid- H2O2), compete for resources with pathogens
females: mostly Lactobacillus
Immune defenses in urinary tract
more limited than in other areas
- physical force of urine flow (transitional epithelium)
- exfoliation (cells in urine= sign of infxn)
- AMPs(defensins, cathelicidins) and THP(Tamm-Horsfall, uromodulin, produced in loop of henle)
female more than male
many are nosocomial
gram neg bacteremias
Sx: burning pain while urinating, abd pain, low fever
Urinalysis: nitrites=G- bacteria,, Luekocyte esterace= WBCs in urine,, squamous epithelial= contaminated specimen
Half will have microhematuria, but should be checked if persistent bc urologic ds or GU malignancy
Uncomplicated: E coli usually, use TMP/SMX
Complicated: worry about kidney failure, diabetes, etc, use Cipro
-Always culture recurrent UTIs, can use long term prophylaxis
Warning signs: more than 3 UTIs/year, complicated UTIs, L-sided pyelonephritis in pregnancy
-asymptomatic bacteruria is common and doesn’t need treatment