Week 3 - Part 1 Flashcards
Neural tube defects
most common birth defects
1:1000 in US
tube closure is at 4 weeks gestation
anencephaly, open/closed spina bifida, encephalocele
Tx: folic acid supplement during first 4 weeks
Causes of congenital anomalies
alcohol, ionizing radiation, isotretinoin, teratogens, uncontrolled diabetes, etc
Infections: CMV, Parvo B19, varicella, toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex, treponema pallidum (syphilis), rubella
Early pregnancy
ovulation is 14d before menses
dominan follicle transforms into corpus luteum (esrogen to progesterone)
fertilization is 24-48hrs after ovulation, tranforms into morula then blastocyst
Implantation is 6-7d after fertilization, syncytiotrophoblasts invade myometrium
First trimester bleeding
not necessarily abnormal
- implantation bleeding (really early)
- subchorionic hemorrhage
- incomplete abortion (cervix open)
- ectopic pregnancy
- hestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Diagnosis of pregnancy
urine pregnancy test= B-hCG
hCG shares a subunit with LH, FSH, TSH
hCG doubles every 48hrs in normal preg, peaks at 10 weeks
Molar pregnancy
multi-cystic mass in uterus
Complete: 46xx/xy all paternal DNA, no fetus, super high hCG, risk of choriocarcinoma, theca lutein cysts, complications
Partial: triploid 69xxy, fetus present, less risk of other stuff
Tx: methotrexate (DHFR inhibitor)
Normal (adaptive) Changes during pregnancy
Blood: decreased systemic vascular resistance, widened pulse pressure, increased cardiac output, increased HR, increased blood volume (more than RBC mass) ((aort-caval compression- supine hypotension, use left lateral tilt), systolic murmurs,, everything gets even more ramped up during labor and pushing
Respiratory: increased tidal vol, unchanged resp rate, decreased total lung capacity, hyperventilation (dec pCO2, compensatory dec HCO3)
Hematologic: glucocorticoid mediated leukocytosis, pro-thrombotic state, venous stasis
Endocrine: insulin resistance, increased thyroid, increased cortisol
GI: slowed motility, GERD, nausea (bc hCG), biliary stasis, elevated alk phos
Stages of labor
1: longest, latent= contractions with slow cervical dilation,, active= fast cervical dilation (change around 4cm)
2: complete dilation until delivery
3: after fetus before placenta (30min)
Labor contractions
quiescent state= progesterone, low # of gap junctions
upregulation of CAP+ uterine stretch= estrogen phenotype= labor
stim by oxytocin (PLC) and prostaglandins
action potential- intracellular Ca- calmodulin- myosin- contraction
Uterine contraction relaxants
relaxin, NO, Mg, PTHrp, B2-agonists, oxytocin-antagonist, Ca-channel-blockers, prostaglandin-inhibitors
Labor trigger theory
increases in ACTH or CRH- promotes myometrial contractility
Gestational diabetes
onset of abn glucose tolerance during preg
test all women 24-48weeks
risks: obesity, fam hx, AA
high glucose supply to baby leads to hyperinsulinemia, which can result in hypoglycemia after birth
also macrosomia, polyhydramnios
dx: glucola screen + fasting glucose
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
gestational HTN= new onset HTN
Preeclampsia= severe HTN + proteinuria or end organ damage (eclampsia=seizures)
HELLP= severe HTN + hemolysis, elevated liver tests, low platelets
Fetal sequelae= small birth weight, oligohydramnios, preterm, metabolic/CV disorders
pathophys: sFlt1, sEng, defective trophoblast differentiation, Ang antibodies, incomplete spiral artery remodeling – placental hypoperfusion
also fetal growth restriction and oligohydramnios
Management: close monitoring, delivery is only sure, MgSO4 for seizure prophylaxis, betamethasone for fetal lung maturation
gestational hyperthyroid
transient, due to excess hCG
hyperemesis gravidarum= nausea, vomiting due to excess hCG
-also can get Hashimoto’s or Graves, or iodine def,
Mortality rations and things
maternal mortality rate= # maternal deaths / # reproductive age women *100000
maternal mortality ratio (MMR)= # maternal deaths / # live births * 100000
Most common cause of maternal death= hemorrhage, HTN disorder, sepsis
fetal mortality rate (FMR)= # fetal deaths / number of live + stillbirths *1000
neonatal mortality rate (NMR)= # neonatal deaths / # live births * 1000
perinatal mortality rate (PMR)= # fetal + neonatal deaths / # live + stillbirths *1000
stillbirth(fetal death)= 20w-birth
neonatal= birth-28d
perinatal= 20w-28d
Indications for genetic testing
advanced maternal age over 35 or 33 for twins
fathers over 40-45
hx of pregnancy loss
1st trimester screening
risk assessment for ts21,13,18
all pregnant pts
uses ultrasound (nuchal translucency and nasal bone) and serum analysis (b-hCG and PAPP-A)
Non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) via cell-free fetal DNA
the new thing on the block
risk assessment for high risk maternal pop
available 10w– (1st trimester)
uses serum analysis of DNA
2nd semester screening
maternal serum quad test
risk assessment for DS, ts18, neural tube defects
avail 15w-20w
for all preg pts
uses serum analysis: AFP, hCG, uE3(estriol), DIA
Prenatal diagnostic testing
FISH, karyotype, (microarray)
chorionic villus sampling (CVS): for all preg, increases risk of loss by 1%
amniocentesis: for all preg, increases preg loss rate
cordocentesis/PUBS: umbilical blood sampling: used for follow-up diagnosis only