week 3 day 2 Demonstrative adjectives, interrogative adverbs Flashcards
What are demonstrative adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are words that play the role of determiner.
They always come before the noun.
They indicate or give precision to the words they describe (people, animals or things).
What are the demonstrative adjectives for this/that, these/those
Singular masculine and feminine
Plural masculine and feminine
What happens if ce comes before a vowel or silent H
Masculin Féminin Exemples
Singulier ce (this) cette (this) ce garcon / cette fille (this boy/ this girl)
Pluriel ces (these) ces (those) ces garçons / ces filles (these boys/ these girls)
“ce” becomes “cet” when it is placed before a noun that starts with a vowel (cet enfant) and a mute “h” (cet homme).
What is the reinforced form of demonstrative adjectives
The reinforced form of demonstrative adjectives makes use of -ci (this–here) and -là (that–there). You use these with ce, cet, cette and ces if you wish to be even more precise with the noun you are referring to and you want to show its proximity to you.
-ci (this–here) and -là (that–there)
what is the form of
This here
That there
Singulier ce + nom + -ci cette + nom + -ci ce garcon-ci (this boy here) /
cette fille-ci (this girl here)
ce + nom + -là cette + nom + -là ce garcon-là (that boy there) /
cette fille-là (that girl there)
What are the 3 ways of asking a question?
1) Make a statement raising your voice at the end (interrogative)
2) Start with Est-ce que followed by a statement like #1.
3) Reverse order of verb and subject followed by the rest of the statement
What is your name?
Comment t’appelles tu?
où- short sound
quand- “con” as in conch shell but short in duration
qui- key
How many, how much
combien (de)- comb ah der
Que, qu’…, quoi- “ker”, “cu”,” quah”
quel (Le) (s)- kale