Week 2 day 5 adjectives Flashcards
What is the rule for in front of or behind placement of adjectives for a noun?
BRAGS- Beauty, rank age, goodness and size go before nouns. Otherwise after the noun.
He wears black shoes
Il porte des chaussures noires.
noires =”new rwah”
Good (m), Good (f)
Bon “bone”, bonne “burn”
bad (m), Bad (f)
mauvais “mow vay’”, mauvaise “mow vez”
small (m), small (f)
petit “pe t”, petite “pe tet”
tall (m), tall (f)
grand, grande “duh” at the end
Pretty (m), pretty (F)
Joli, Jolie- both sound the same to me
jeune-“gin na”
old (m), old(f)
vieux “view”, vieille “Vee ale ya”
New (m), new (f)
nouveau “new voe”, nouvelle “new vail”
a bad client
une mauvaise cliente (f) “cli yont’
in, into, within
old, elderly
Âgé (e)- “ah gee”
amical (e)- “ah me cal”
old, antique, former
ancien (ne)-“on ci an”, “on see in” (nah)
assuré (e)- “ah sue ray”
beautiful (masculine) handsome, good-looking
beautiful (f)
belle- “Bell la”
odd, weird, strange
bizarre- “bee zare”
light, clear
clair (e)- “clair”
happy, glad, pleased
content (e) “con tun” con tant”
courageux /se- “coo rag gew”, “coo rag gews”
court (e)- “kool” “koolt tah”
différent (e)- “dee fee ran”, “dee fee rant”
difficult, hard, tough
difficile-“dee fee seal”
Agreement of Adjectives
In French all adjectives must agree in number and gender with the noun.
If a noun is masculine and singular or masculine and plural, the adjective will agree with that and decline accordingly.
If a noun is feminine and singular or feminine and plural, the adjective will agree with that and decline accordingly.
The colored painting
le tableau coloré
The colored paintings
les tableaux colorés
the open door
la porte ouverte- “ler por 2 verte”
the open doors
les portes ouvertes
(The blue TV set is too small.)
Le téléviseur bleu est trop petit.
(The blue TV sets are too small.)
Les téléviseurs bleus sont trop petits.
(The green car is fast.)
La voiture verte est rapide.
(The green cars are fast.)
Les voitures vertes sont rapides
adjective rules
In French, unlike English, most of the adjectives come after the noun they are describing.
A few French adjectives are placed before the noun it describes, and the best way to learn these adjectives is to memorize the list.
Some adjectives can come before or after a noun and the meaning of the sentence will change depending on the placement of the adjective.
In French all adjectives must agree in number and gender with the noun.
I fell asleep
je me suis endormie
to fall asleep
to do, make
See you later
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