Week 2 day 4, perfect tense using être, new verbs Flashcards
Perfect tense use of Être
Here are some things to remember:
- The conjugation rule is the same for “être” as it is for “avoir” — the verb is composed of the auxiliary and the past participle in the perfect tense.
- Unlike verbs that use the auxiliary “avoir,” those that are using “être” must have agreement between the past participle and the gender or number of the subject.
Pronominal verbs:
Pronominal verbs: These are verbs that have a reflexive pronoun, such as “me,” “te,” and “se,” placed between the subject and the verb. We will look at this type of verb more in-depth in another lesson
Se laver = Il s’est lavé. (S + reflexive pronoun + auxiliary + past participle)
How is Être used as an auxillary verb?
Être is conjugate as an auxlliary verb for action and movement verbs to follow
to be born
naître- “net r sound” Mnemonic: Think of the word “natal.”
to become
devenir- “der vah knee”???? Mnemonic: Think of the word “divine.”
to die
mourir-“moo ree uh” Mnemonic: Think of the mourn.
when someone dies you mourn
to go up
monter-“mon tee” Think of the word “mountain.”
Monter sounds similar to mountain, which naturally involves going up.
Imagine that when you climb a mountain, you’re monter-ing to the top.
to stay
rester-“res tee” Mnemonic: Think of the phrase “rest and stay.”
Imagine you’re taking a break, resting on a comfortable chair, and deciding to stay right there.
So, whenever you encounter rester, picture yourself relaxing and choosing to stay in that moment. 🌟
to go down
descendre- “dee sont”
to fall down
tomber- “tom bay”- tomb on the edge of a clip that falls down
to arrive
arriver- “ah-re-vee”
to come
venir-“va knee” (can’t find a recording that pronounces like this.
to enter
entrer-“on tree”
to go
aller-“ah lee”
to go out/get out
sortir- “sor tee” Mnemonic: Think of the phrase “step outside.”
Imagine that when you sortir, you’re taking a step outside, leaving the indoors behind.
So, whenever you encounter sortir, picture yourself stepping out into the fresh air!
to leave
partir- “pa tee” Mnemonic: Think of the phrase “depart with a purpose.”
Imagine that when you partir, you’re not just leaving randomly—you’re departing with a specific purpose or destination in mind.
So, whenever you encounter partir, picture yourself setting off on an intentional journey! 🌟
to return
retourner- “rah too nee”
to pass
passer- “pa see”
when using être how does the past participle ending change
Masculine Feminine
Singular — -e
Plural -s -es
last weekend
le week-end dernier
Brush teeth
se brosser las dents- “say bro see lee dawn”
s’habiller- “ sah bee a”
conduire- “cone new we ah”
eat breakfast
prendre le petite déjeuner- “pong ler petite day jer nee”
eat diner
dîner- “dee neay””
eat lunch
déjeuner- “day jer nee”
fall asleep
s’endormir- “saw dull mee ah”
get up
se lever- “sir ler vee’
go home
rentrer à la manison- “ron tree ah la me son”
go to work
aller au travail-“ah lee o tra vile”
have a coffee
boire un café- “bwah u Café
se raser- “sir ra z”
dormir- “doe me ah”
étudier- “a to dee a”
take a shower
prendre une douche-“pawn dre un douche