Week 3 Flashcards
A loss of safety function exists when…
A. not assuming a concurrent single failure, a fission product barrier will be lost.
B. not assuming a concurrent single failure, a safety function assumed in the UFSAR cannot be performed.
C. assuming a concurrent single failure, a safety function assumed in the UFSAR cannot be performed.
D. assuming a concurrent single failure, a fission product barrier will be lost.
B. not assuming a concurrent single failure, a safety function assumed in the UFSAR cannot be performed.
The plant is at 100% power when the following occurs:
• Charging flow drops from the normal 88 gpm to ~44 gpm with two Charging pumps
• The crew swaps the running Charging pump and starts the standby pump
• Charging flow drops to 0 gpm
What TLCO(s), if any, should the crew enter into, or declare not met?
- 1.101 – Boration flowpath
- 1.103 – Charging Pumps
- 4.100 – Auxiliary Spray System
- 0.100.3 – TLCO not met and associated actions not met in Mode 1 - 4
On March 20th, 2015 @ 1705, this event occurred on Unit 2.
Which of the following is true regarding Tech Specs and their bases?
A. Tech Specs are required to be submitted with the license application per 10CFR, bases are not required by 10CFR but by NUREGs.
B. Neither Tech Specs or their bases are required to submit the application but both are required before a license to operate is issued.
C. Both are required to be submitted with the license application by 10CFR.
D. Only the bases of Tech Specs must be submitted with the license application, Tech Specs must be subsequently created and approved before power
operations is allowed.
C. Both are required to be submitted with the license application by 10CFR.
• Unit 1 is operating in Mode 1.
• A failure of a Train A Class 1E Battery Charger occurs.
Technical Specifications requires which of the following be completed within 2 hours?
A. Declare associated battery INOPERABE
B. Restore the Battery Charger to OPERABLE status
C. Place the associated trains “swing” charger on the bus.
D. Restore battery terminal voltage to ≥ minimum float voltage
D. Restore battery terminal voltage to ≥ minimum float voltage
Given that the RCS pressure Safety Limit is exceeded in MODE 5, list the initial action and time
RCS pressure must be restored to within the SL value within 5 minutes.
- Several performances of RC02 indicate an increase in RCS leakrate from 0.2 gpm to 0.9 gpm
- Investigation finds a leak from the weld upstream of SIA-V056 (RVLMS Isolation)
Based on these conditions this is considered: A. Identified Leakage. B. Unidentified Leakage. C. Pressure Boundary Leakage. D. Interconnected System Leakage.
C. Pressure Boundary Leakage.
• Unit 1 is at 100% power.
• CHB-V327, “RWT To Charging Pumps Suction” is tagged closed to repair the valve operator.
Subsequently motor operator power to CHN-HV-536, “RWT Makeup Supply to Charging Pump
Suction” is lost due to a breaker malfunction (and cannot be operated from the control room).
How does this impact our “Reactivity Control Systems” technical requirements?
TLCO 3.1.101 “Boration Flow Paths Operating” is met… Actions outside the control room to operate 536 are credited IAW the TRM bases. (1.0 point) minus 0.5 if they do not include dedicated operator.
Per 40ST-9CH03 Limitation 3.2.3 - If a boron injection flow path will be maintained operable by crediting local manual control of a remotely operated valve, a dedicated operator shall be assigned to operate the valve. This does not apply to CHE-HV-532.
• Unit 1 has been at rated power for 6 months.
• The crew discovers that 40ST-9AF07, AFA-P01 Monthly Valve Alignment, was NOT
performed this month (it has been 40 days since it was last performed).
• This Surveillance Test (ST) satisfies SR
• Both AFN-P01 and AFB-P01, Motor Driven Auxiliary Feed Pumps are operable.
In accordance with SR 3.0.3 AND assuming a risk evaluation is performed, what is required?
A. perform the required ST immediately.
B. perform the required ST within 7 days.
C. perform the required ST within 31 days.
D. declare AFA inoperable and perform the required ST.
C. perform the required ST within 31 days.
Given that Unit 1 is operating in Mode 1. Describe the required AC Electrical sources which
satisfies the LCO of Tech Spec 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating?
Two offsite circuits and two diesel generators each capable of supplying onsite Class 1E Electrical Power Distribution System and both automatic load sequencers.
Tech Spec 3.4.9 addresses which of the following pressurizer parameters to ensure PZR
A. Level and temperature.
B. Level and heater capacity.
C. Temperature and pressure.
D. Boron concentration and pressure.
B. Level and heater capacity.
Unit 1 is at 340°F and 1000 psia with a Keff of .97.
What TS MODE is this?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
D. 4
Which of the following sets of parameters are within allowable safety limits? DNBR is (1) and peak fuel centerline temperature is (2) °F adjusted for core time in life.
A. (1) >1.25 (2) < 5080
B. (1) >1.25 (2) < 5880
C. (1) >1.34 (2) < 5080
D. (1) >1.34 (2) < 5880
C. (1) >1.34 (2) < 5080
• Unit 1 is at 3% reactor power and stable.
• Tcold is 565° F.
• PZR Pressure is 2300 psia.
• PZR level is 29%.
Tech Spec Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) (1) is NOT MET and (2) will restore compliance.
A. (1) 3.4.1, RCS, DNB parameters (2) lowering RCS Tcold
B. (1) 3.4.1, RCS, DNB parameters (2) lowering RCS pressure
C. (1) 3.4.9, Pressurizer (2) raising PZR level
D. (1) 3.4.9, Pressurizer (2) lowering RCS pressure
B. (1) 3.4.1, RCS, DNB parameters (2) lowering RCS pressure
LCO 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating requires that an INOPERABLE DG be restored to OPERABLE status in 10 days AND 13 days from discovery of failure to meet the LCO.
When does the “13 day” clock reset?
A. When the LCO is met.
B. When 3.0.3 is entered.
C. When no more than one component covered by the LCO is INOPERABLE.
D. When the component that originally caused a failure to meet the LCO is
restored to OPERABLE status.
A. When the LCO is met.
• Unit 1 is in Mode 3 preparing to do a reactor startup.
• 73ST-9AF02, AFA-P01 Recirc Flow - Inservice Test is being performed.
• SGA-UV-134, STM SPLY TO PMP, has failed closed.
Can the crew continue with the startup and enter Mode 2, why or why not?
A. No, the Required Action of LCO 3.7.5 Condition “B” must be completed
B. Yes, if the provisions of LCO 3.0.5 are invoked
C. No, LCO 3.0.4.b is not applicable under these conditions
D. Yes, if a risk assessment in accordance with 3.0.4.b is performed
C. No, LCO 3.0.4.b is not applicable under these conditions
• Unit 1 is operating at rated thermal power.
• SEB-NE-1B, Safety Channel middle Excore detector, fails low.
What, if any, Tech Spec conditions should be declared not met?
LCO 3.3.1 condition A, and C Variable Overpower, Log Power High, LPD High, DNBR Low LCO 3.3.10 condition A Logarithmic Neutron Flux LCO 3.3.11 condition A Logarithmic Neutron Flux
The plant is in Mode 6, when 1 channel of Boron Dilution Alarm system (BDAS) becomes INOPERABLE, the operator must:
A. Immediately determine RCS Boron Concentration and REFER to LCO 3.3.12 Condition B.
B. Immediately determine RCS Boron concentration, no actions are required by Technical Specifications or 40ST-9ZZ19 (Mode 5 & 6 Shiftly Surveillance Logs).
C. Immediately determine RCS Boron Concentration and REFER to LCO 3.3.12 Condition A.
D. No actions are required by Technical Specifications or 40ST-9ZZ19 (Mode 5 & 6 Shiftly Surveillance Logs).
C. Immediately determine RCS Boron Concentration and REFER to LCO 3.3.12 Condition A.
LCO 3.8.10, Distribution Systems – Shutdown, states that…
“The necessary portion of AC, DC, and AC vital instrument bus electrical power distribution subsystems shall be OPERABLE to support equipment required to be OPERABLE.”
The bases for this LCO is:
The AC, DC, and AC vital instrument bus electrical power distribution subsystems required to be
OPERABLE in Modes 5 and 6 and during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, provide
assurance that…
Which of the following will complete the bases for this LCO?
1. Systems to provide adequate coolant inventory makeup are available for the irradiated fuel in the core.
2. Systems needed to mitigate a fuel handling accident are available.
3. System must be capable of maintaining rated frequency and voltage, and accepting required loads during an accident, while connected to the ESF bus(es).
4. Systems necessary to mitigate the effects of events that can lead to core damage during shutdown are available.
5. Instrumentation and control capability is available for monitoring and maintaining the unit in a cold shutdown condition and refueling condition.
A. 1, 2, 4
B. 1, 2, 3
C. 2, 3, 4
D. 3, 4, 5
A. 1, 2, 4
Regarding the technical specification peak fuel centerline temperature safety limit (in modes 1
and 2) which of the following statements is true.
A. If the transient linear heat rate does not exceed 21 KW/ft, the the fuel centerline melt temperature is also not exceeded.
B. If the transient linear heat rate exceeds 21 KW/ft, the the fuel centerline melt temperature is also exceeded.
C. If the transient linear heat rate does not exceed 21 KW/ft, the the fuel centerline melt temperature may or may not have been exceeded.
D. If the transient linear heat rate does not exceed 14 KW/ft, the fuel centerline melt temperature may or may not have been exceeded.
A. If the transient linear heat rate does not exceed 21 KW/ft, the the fuel centerline melt temperature is also not exceeded.