Week 3 Flashcards
Mens Rea vs. Motive
-Mens Rea : mental state of the person committing harm
-Motive : reason for committing the crime
~Not considered a component of mens rea
Subjective Test
-What was actually in the mind of the accused at the time of the crime?
~Did the accused actually intend/know the foreseen consequences?
Objective Test
-Was there a marked departure from the standard of care of a reasonable person?
~Should the accused foreseen the consequences of actions?
Subjective Mens Rea (Category of Requisite Fault)
- Did the accused actually intend, know or foresee the consequences would follow from their actions?
- S. 7 of Charter provides criminal offences require subjective fault
- “Beaver rule” and “Martineau rule”
Crimes of Objective Fault (Category of Requisite Fault)
-Was there a marked departure from the standard of care of a reasonable person?
~Should the accused have foreseen the outcome?
Offences based on Predicate Offences (Category of Requisite Fault)
-Very rare
Beaver Rule
All crimes have subjective fault element unless parliament expressly says otherwise
Martineau Rule
- Principles of fundamental justice require a subjective fault element for certain crimes, regardless of what Parliament says
- Applies to : murder, attempted murder, accessory to murder, war crimes and crimes against humanity
-Knowledge of a particular fact may be required
Accused “intentionally”, “wilfully” or “means to” cause a certain wrongful consequence
General Intent Offences
Act done to achieve an immediate end (assault)
Specific Intent Offences
Ace done with the specific ulterior motive and intention of achieving an illegal end (robbery, theft, ect.)
Involves knowledge of a danger or risk persistence in a course of conduct
Wilful Blindness
Arises where person has become aware of the need for some inquiry but decline to do so because they do not wish to
Examples of Objective Fault
- Common intent for accessories
- Counselling a person to commit offence
- Treason by making information available
- Failure to use reasonable care (I.E. explosives)
- Careless use of firearms/ammunition