Week 3 Flashcards
- Occupation lung disease:
- 3 determinants of site and severity?
- 2 categories of occupational lung disease?
- AW Disease: 1.) Immunological asthma: Latency? Common LMW example? Type of immune response?
2. ) RADS: Latency? Causes? Ex?
3. ) Emphysema/COPD: Causes? (2)
4. ) Bronchiolitis: Cause?
- Dose (duration x conc.); solubility (more water soluble); particle size (
- Occupational lung disease: Interstitial
- 2 categories of interstitial?
1. ) Asbestos related: 2 types?
2. ) Silicosis: Caused by? Latency?
3. ) Coal workers (black lung): Due to?
1. ) Chronic Beryllium: Presents similar to? Material found where?
2. ) Hypersensitivity (farmers lung): Due to? Immune response?
- Pneumoconoises; other
1. ) Malignant and non malignant
2. ) Sand blasting; long
3. ) Inhalation of coal mine dust
1. ) Sarcoidoses; plane material
2. ) Animal proteins or dander; T cell mediated
- How many respiratory viruses are there?
- Flu pathogenesis? (3 steps?)
- What can you often get with flu?
- Oseltamavir/ zanamavir MOA?
- Fixed obstruction: PV curve? Causes? (Causes?)
- Variable intrathoracic obstr.: PV? Cause?
- Variable extrathoracic obstr.: PV? Cause?
- many
- RNA virus Hematagluttin binds saliac acid to enter cell; infection initiation; Neuroaminidase cleaves it to leave
- Staph infection
- Neuroaminidase inhibitor
- Low insipiration and expiration; incubation or circumfrential airway issue
- Low expiration; non-circ. tumor
- Low inspiration; vocal cord paralysis; upper airway tumor
- Cough:
- Major nerve of afferent cough reflex? Volun?
- SARs and RARs respond to? C fibers?
- Acute cough: Duration? Questions to ask? (2) Life threatening causes? (3) Non life threatening categories? (3)
- Sub-acute: Duration? Two questions? Two categories?
- Chronic cough: Duration? (4 causes)
- Most common chronic causes? (3)
- Most common acute? (1)
- Vagus; stretch/ mechanical stimuli; noxious chemical stimuli; cerebral cortex
- 8 weeks; UA cough synd., asthma; non-asthmatic eisinophillic bronchitis; GERD
- Asthma, UACS, GERD
- Cough:
- Bronchieactasis often accompanied by?
- Chronic cough:
1. ) Upper airway syndrome: Other name? Treatment?
2. ) Asthma: Treatment?
3. ) GERD: Signs? Test? Treatment?
4. ) Non-asthmatic eisino. bronchitis: Test? Treatment? - What complication is common with GERD?
- How long is a chronic cough in kids?
- Bacterial pneumonia
1. ) Post nasal drip; 1st gen antihistamine and decong.
2. ) Inhaled corticosteroid/ bronchodilator
3. ) Edema/erythema of larynx; esophogeal pH; proton pump inhibitor
4. ) Sputum w/ >3% eisinophils; inhaled corticosteroids - Microaspiration
- > 4 weeks
- Upper respiratory:
- Only complete ring?
- Innervates all the muscles of the larynx? Except?
- Stridor: Inspiratory? Expir? Biphasic? (3 ex?)
- Symptoms of upper airway/ larynx disorders? (3)
- Bad signs with hoarseness? (6)
- Cricoid cartilage
- Recurrent laryngeal; cricothyroid
- Upper airways; lower airways; fixed obstruction (trach tube scarring, croup, cancer)
- Horseness, lump, pain
- > 3 weeks, pain, blood, difficulty swallowing, lump in the neck, loss of voice
- Upper respiratory:
- Speech: Speech area? Voice area?
- Corticobulbar tract: 3 things coordinate with laryngeal muscles, sensation and abdominal musculature?
- Superior laryngeal branch: Internal? External?
- Infectious causes of horseness?
- Non-infectious causes? (many)
- Temporal cortex (cerbral cortex); precentral gyri
- Vagus, nucleus ambiguous, spinal cord
- Sensation; motor of cricothyroid
- Viral laryngitis
- Acid reflux; vocal abuse; allegries; cough; polyps; trauma; age; neurological; smoking
- Lung Cancer:
- Common? men vs. women? Family hx?
- What is a solitary pulm. nodule? Goals?
- Abnormalities on blood test? (3)
- 4 stages and treatments?
- Most common cancer (160k/yr); women more; important
- Lesion <3cm, round with smooth contour and no other involvement; expidite resection
- High alk. phos; Ca2+ anemia; cytopenias
1. ) Primary tumor, no nodal involvement; surgery
2. ) Primary tumor, lymph nodes within hilum; chemo + surgery
3. ) Locally advanced; mediastinal lymph nodes; invades local structures; chemo + radiation
4. ) Spread to other lung; pleaural effusion with cancer cells; chemo + radiation
- Lung Cancer:
- 4 common genetic alterations and treatments?
- Early detection necessary?
- Does it work?
- Beta caratone/ vitamin as primary prevention?
- ) EGFR: 50-80% NSCLC; erlotinib, geferitinib, cetuximab
- ) Her/ERB: 10% NSCLC; Herceptin (trastuzimab)
- ) vEGF: Evacimuba (Avastin)
- ) Ras: 20% NSCLC adenocarcinoma; TKI’s
- Yes; most present in stage 3 or later
- Yes with low dose helical spiral CT
- Didn’t work; actually made it worse
- Tobacco:
- Who are high users? (5)
- How many people die prematurely per year due to tobacco? Cost?
- Other cancers from smoking? (3)
- Smoking cessation with pregnancy?
- How to counsel patients?
- Pharmacotherapy options? (3)
- Combo’s?
- Best pharm treatment order? (4)
- Non whites; poor; psychiatric; incarcerated; less educated
- 500k; 195 billion
- Oral; esophogus; bladder
- Encourage within first trimester
- Ask, advise, assess willingness, assist, arrange
- NRT, Bupropion (same as anti-depressive); varenicline (partial nicotine agonist/ blocks exogenous nicotine)
- Only NRT and bupronion has been shown to work
- Counseling
- TB:
- What is TB? How do you get it? How is treated?
- Do immunocompetent patients develop LTBI?
- Who should be targeted for LTBI screen?
- Chronology of TB pathogenesis? (5 steps?)
- What can give you false positive on TST?
- Two other tests? Work how?
- Why do those who emigrate possibly get TB?
- 3 possible treatments for LTBI?
- Infection via Mycobacterium tuberculosis; > 3 meds
- Not usually
- HIV, immunocompromised, anti-TNFa therapy, immigrants
- Ingestion by alveolar macs; continued ingestion but not destruction; T-cells to site of infection; causeus center made; declined immunity with causeaus necrosis
- BCG; look for scar
- Quantiferon; T-Spot; IFN-gamma assays
- Vitamin D deficiency
- 9 months isozanid; 4 months rifampin; 12 weekly doses of INH + rifapentene
- Common Ddx for kids? (6)
- Difference b/n adults and kids pulm. physio?
- Most common chronic stridor? Cause?
- Airway/cartilage abnormality?
- Acute stridor Ddx? (5)
- Most common croup cause in kids?
- Epiglottitis common cause?
- V/Q mismatch; hypovent.; shunt; diffusion; altitude; hemoglobinopathies
- Smaller airway (1/r^4); higher larynx, floppy epigglottis, narrow cricoid (adult=glottis), horizontal ribs, flat diaphragm
- Laryngomalacia; floppy epiglottis
- Tracheobronchomalacea
- Croup, foreign body, scalding, bacterial tracheitis, epiglottis
- Parainfluenza
- Influenza B
- DDx for acute wheeze in kids? (5)
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
- Most common chronic respiratory condition in kids? Treat with? Biggest problem?
- Most common lethal genetic disease?
- Short term asthma attack treatment? (3)
- Viral pneumonia; CF; Heart disease; Aspiration pneumonia, asthma
- Abnormal baseline ventilation and oxygenation
- Asthma; inhaled corticosteroids; non compliance
- CF
- B-2 agonist then anticholinergics or systemic glucocorticoids
- Anterior mediastinum contents? (4)
- Posterior contents? (3)
- Middle contents? (5)
- Hoarseness may be related to?
- SVC syndrome causes? Sign?
- Tension pneomothorax pressures? See what?
- Most common mass in adults? Kids?
- CT, thymus, thyroid, lymphatic vessels
- Vagus nerve, thoracic duct, esophogus
- Heart, great vessels, trachea/bronchi, phrenic/vagus
- Compression of recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Tumor compressing great vessels; facial swelling
- P-intrapleural > P atm; structures shift
- anterior; posterior
- Borhaaves Syndrome?
- Anterior compartment tumors? (4)
- Transudate: Protein? Cause? LDHpl/LDHser? Protpl/Protser? Causes? (3)
- Exudate: Protein? Cause? LDHpl/LDHser? Protpl/Protser? Causes? (5)
- Cancers found in pleural space? (6)
- Esophogeal rupture
- Terrible T’s; thymic neoplasm, teratoma, thyroid, terrible lymphoma
- Non; Increased hydrostatic P’s; 0.6; >0.5; Neoplasm, infection, PE, Sjorens, Drugs
- Lung, breast, lymphoma, GI, GU, MEothelioma