Week 3 Flashcards
Template theory
Recognition of an object follows a ‘match’ between the stimulus and an internal construct (template) of that object
Template theory issues
- Assumes an exact match
- Requires a huge number of templates for all variations of an object
- We can recognize abstract objects
Feature theory
All objects are composed of separable distinct parts - features
- Like a visual alphabet
Feature theory support
- Neuronal responding to specific things (edge detection, movement detection, colour detection, etc.)
- Cells respond to a very specific simple feature
- Visual search tasks (multi-feature takes longer)
Cognitive visual searches
Press button when you see…
Conjunction search
Look for multiple features of an object in a set (ex. Red and horizontal lines)
Search asymmetries
Easier to find the “tilt” than “not tilt” indicating the feature we use is “tilt” not “absence of tilt”
- Consistent with brain physiology
Pop-out effect
Something is immediately recognizable as different in a set
- happens regardless of number of things in a visual field
Structural theory / recognition by components
- Objects are created by combining geons by their edges
- Like an object alphabet with 36 distinct geons
- Geons can be recognized from any angle
Issues with RBC theory
- Some things require very specific idiosyncratic geons (specific) - but they’re supposed to be universal not specific
- Ignores context
- Doesn’t explain differences within object type (ex. apples vs oranges)
Recognition by multiple views
- Template theory but we have templates for multiple angles
- Viewpoint dependent
Face processing
- Faces are processed specially
- Holistically processed, not feature based
Face inversion effect
- Upside down faces hard to recognize than other upside-down objects
- Faces usually processed holistically, but must be processed by parts when upside-down
- Monkeys don’t have this issue bc they’re upside-down often
Can’t recognize faces
- Either due to brain damage or just a thing from birth
- Can recognize faces super well, even if the picture is degraded (from and odd angle or distance), they haven’t seen them for a while, can tell easily if two faces are from the same person or not
Better eyewitnesses, awkward if they know you but you don’t know them