Week 3 Flashcards
Population definition
A population is a complete set of objects
Sample definition
A sample is a subset of a given population
Types of variables
Independent variable definition
Variable representing the value being changed or manipulated.
Controlled or selected to determine its relationship on a observed outcome
Dependent variable definition
Observed result of the independent variables being manipulated
It is something that may depend on the independent variable
Control variable definition
Variables that are kept constant to prevent them influencing the effect of the independent & dependent variables
Types of data
Nominal data
Cannot be ordered or counted
Eg (Country, gender, occupation)
Ordinal data
Can be ordered, but not added or subtracted
Eg (A response on a questionnaire about service quality between 1 to 7)
Interval data
Can be ordered, difference can be measured, but cannot compute a ratio
Eg (Exam mark, date, or year)
Ratio data
Interval + can make ratio between the two
Eg (Distance, height, weight, annual income)