Week 3 Flashcards
W - Western
E - Educated
I - Indrustialised
R - Rich
D - Democratic
WEIRD Failure to Replicate
- Studies are often constrained to the time period they were done in.
- Different results occur as society changes
- Different effects to not exist in all people at all times
WEIRD People Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan 2010
- Compared non-industrialised and industrialised societies
- Reviewed many studies from different groups to compared
- Found lots of differences
- Non industrialised - -more susceptible to standard visual illusions
- If perception is subjective then what else is there in WEIRD societies that makes them outliers
Differences in Industrialised Cultures and Non-Industrialise Cultures
- Show differences in susceptibility to standard visual illusions
- Differences in perceptions of fairness and punishment for not cooperating
- More risk averse when facing monetary gambling involving gains - Industrialised
- Discount for the future less steeply
Differences in Western Cultures and Non-Western Cultures
- Show differences in their self concept about The Self
- Differences in reasoning (analytic or holistic)
- Differences in moral reasoning - Western judgement on justice and harm - Non Western rely on wider range adding interpersonal relationships, obligations & divinity
- Higher motivation for consistency
- More prone to social loafing
- Associate more benefits with physical attractiveness
Differences in US and Non-US Western countries
Compared to people from non-US countries, people from the US are:
* More individualistic
* Prefer to have more choice
* More analytic in reasoning style
* More cultural worldview defense when faced with the thought of death
Cultural World View Defense
- How individuals cope with reminders of death
- Increase how passionate we feel about our values
- Do more to participate in our culture
- React more intensely when our culture is challenged
- Sub conscious wish to continue existing through our culture after we die
- Does not replicate; World View Defense does not increase with reminders of mortality
Differences in US Students and US Non-Students
Compared to US non college students, US college students are:
- More individualistic
- Rationalise their choices more
- Less conforming
- Moral reasoning focused on autonomy
- Less prejudiced
- More self monitoring
- More susceptible to attitude change
- More susceptible to social influence
WEIRD Outliers
said that because WEIRD people are so dramatically different to the rest of the world, then they are the worst people to base psychology on. - But they are the subjects of most of our studies and findings
Trans, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse
Cameron & Stinson 2019
* How the number of gender and sex were measured
* If not reported they contacted authors to ask
* No studies mentioned how gender was measured except for a few.
* Authors mostly chose a binary measure of male/female
* A handful were inclusive or othering
Problems of mismeasuring gender in research
- Denies identity of gender divers participants
- Gender division invalidates or misclassifiies or erases their results
- Inaccurate description of sample
- Misclassification of participants which threatens the validity of results
- May cause reactance effects in participants
Reactance Effects
- Effects could be larger or smaller than they are
- Direction of correlation could be reversed because of misclassification
- Changes the responses to study making it less authentic
Indigenous Psychology
- Defining western psychology according to indigenous populations worldwide
- Thought, experience and perspective
- Native knowledge rooted in sociocultural context
- based on mundane daily activites interpreted through their indigenous lens
Elements of Indigenous Psychology
- Primacy of local culture perspective
- Relevant and Reflects sociocultural identity
- Culture as the source of concepts & Theories
- Not imposed knowledge or theories
- Methods, tool and results that represent phenomenon in context
Two perspectives of Indigenous Psychology
- The people residing in a country
- History of the people living in that land and contrasts imported western theories
- Background of colonisation - First inhabitants of the land like Maori or ATSI peoples
- Short or non-existent history of indegenous psychology.
- Also contrasts western methods & results
3 Characteristics of Indigenous Peoples
- Martinez Cobo 1995
1. Ways of being are and continue to be impacted by colonisation
2. Lives characterised by surviving and adapting to colony - often assimilation into the dominant society
3. Maintain connnectednes to the land and way of life
The process of developling indigenous psychology
* Local regeion develops its own knowledge, practice and culture
* Acknowledge limitations of Western methods
* Western methods corrected to adapt to local reality
* Discovery of Indigenous concepts and methods
* Emergence of independent self-perpetuating indigenouse psychology
Two Terms of Indigenisation Knowledge
Enriquez 1993
1. ETIC/Indigenisation from without
2. EMIC/Indegenisation from within
ETIC/Indigenisation from without
- Create indigenous version of imported material
- Adapt foreign material to the indigenous context
- Translate Western theories. modify tests and replicate Western Studies
- Allow fro comparisons across cultures
EMIC/Indegenisation from within
- Source of concepts and methods is indigenous culture
- Draws on local and indigenous knowledge
- Highlights what is often missed by outsiders
Indigenous Cosmology
- Narrative to explain the existence of the Universe
- Filipino - Developed from Ethnic Psychology
- Taiwanese - Developed from chinese history & culture, Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist
- Indian - Entwined with Hinduism and Folklore
Australian Indigenous Cosmology
- Understand world, earth waters, flora and fauna and humans are connected
- Semi-nomadic & Non materialistic
- Focused on social and spiritual activities of caring and belonging to country
- Family kinship, language & belonging to land are fundamental to wellbeing
- Complex kinships systems, each position is predefined to others and other groups
- Determines behaviour, responsibility, and expectations
The Self
- Humans can recognise themselves in a mirror
- Animals can not recogniese themselves
- But some animals can.
- There was an experiment to change an animals appearance with a red dot.
- The animals then touched the red dot because they recognised themselves and the change
- Chimpanzees and Orangutans saw it immediately
- Dolphins swim to mirrors and swish to find the dot
Human Sense of Self
- We are not born with sense of self
- Develop it very early in life
- We have image of ourselves and recognise differences in that image
Two Aspects of Self
- Self Awareness
- Self Concept
Self Awareness
- Thinking about ourselves
- Introspection
- The fact that we do this indicates we have a sense of self
Self Concept
- The content of the self
- Our knowledge of who we are
- What we beleive about our selves
Aspects of Self Concept
- Different between different people and situations
- Salience or importance of situations vary
- Chronicity how intensely we define ourselves
- Independent/Interdependent
Self Construal
- How individuals define themselves in relation to others
- Can be independent or Interdependent
- Cultural context can influence one or the other
- Thought to correspond with collectivist/Individualistic nature of the culture
- There are also gender difference to Self Construal - men tend to be collective interdependent and women relational
Independent Self Construal
- Person defines themselves by their attributes
- Value independence and uniqueness
Interdependent Self Construal
- Person defines themselves in relation to others
- Defined by group memberships
- Value harmony with others
Two parts to Interdependent Self Construal
- Relational - Self views that incorporate close relationships with other people
- Collective - Self views that incorporate membership in larger groups
Self Construal Descriptions
Self Construal Impacts Finances
- Hamilton & Biehal 2005
- Does advertising impact self construal choices?
- N = 144 students doing a marketing course
- Watched ad for investment fund triggering their construal type
- Allocated $5000 among 4 funds with different risk levels
History & Future of Indigenous Psych
- Western theorie says culture moderates psychology
- Indigenous people tested with Western Methods not adapted to their culture
- Ask - Is the attribute relevant, appropriate and correctly interpreted across cultures
- Methods are being adapted
- Indigenous pysch more holistic of the human context where they live.
What makes psychology WEIRD and weird?
- Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, Democratic studies done by and about WEIRD people
- Weird because WEIRD cultures are actually outliers compared to the rest of the world demographic
Why is using WEIRD samples a problem?
- Samples can’t be generalised across cultures
- Can’t replicate across cultures
- They are outliers
- Misrepresentative of under researched samples
- We should be interested in how all people respond in psych not just the WEIRD ones - could even be harmful
- Neglect interesting phenomena happening in non WEIRD countries
What is Self Construal
- How People define and make meaning of themselves in relation to others
- The Self
Manipulating Self Construals
- Independent Condition - List differences between self and friends & family
- Interdepenent Contidion - List similiarities between self and friends & Family
This can influence decisions people make
Flinkenflogel et al 2107 - Self Construal Experiment
- Ultimate game - $7 for others & $3 for themselves
- Completed self construal scale
- Interdependent - Promote connectedness & harmony; accept offer
- Independent - Motivated to benefit self; reject offer
Indigenous Australian - Self Construal
- Holistic definistion of aboriginal health
- Encompass wellbeing of whole community
- Importance of kin, community, lands, ancestors and spiritual dimensions of existence
- Challenge Western Individualistic concept of self
- Collectivist perspective
History and futue of indigenous psychology