Week 3 Flashcards
What condition doesn’t hold when there is endogeneity?
Orthogonality condition:
plim(1/n X’ε) ≠ 0
What are the causes of endogeneity?
- Omitted variables
- Measurement errors
- Simultaneity
What are the consequences of endogeneity?
- OLS estimator inconsistent (plim(b) ≠ β)
- Standard asymptotic tests not applicable
- In general, correlation between X and ε (OLS biased)
What is the criteria for a good instrument?
- It doesn’t directly influence y, correlated with X and only influences y through X
What are the requirements of 2SLS?
- Z and ε uncorrelated -> plim(1/n Z’ε) = 0
- Z correlated with X: plim(1/n Z’X) = Q(zx) - rank(Q(zx)) = k - full rank - rank condition
- Number of instruments m>= k - order condition
- Z “stable” and not “multicollinear” : plim(1/n Z’Z) = Q(zz)
rank(Q(zz)) = m
2SLS estimator
β^ = (X^’X^)^(-1)X^’y
= (X’P(z)X)^(-1)X’P(z)y , where P(z) = Z(Z’Z)^(-1)Z’
Is 2SLS consistent?
Yes, plim(b) = β
Asymptotic distribution of 2SLS
sqrt(n) (b - β) -> N(0, σ^2 (Q(xz)’Q(zz)^(-1)Q(xz))^(-1))
In sample: b ~ N(β, σ^2 (X^’X^)^(-1))
2SLS vs IV estimator
b(2SLS) = (X’P(z)X)^(-1)X’P(z)y
b(IV) = (Z’X)^(-1)Z’y when m=k
Instrumental variables as GMM estimators
ε(i) = y(i) - x(i)’β
Moment condition: E(z(i)ε(i)) = E(z(i)(y(i) - x(i)’β)
Gn(β) = Σgi(β)
= Σz(i)(y(i) - x(i)’β)
= Z’(y - Xβ)
Set Z’(y - Xβ) = 0 -> Solve for β
What test tests for whether explanatory variables are exogenous?
Durbin, Wu & Hausman test
What test tests whether instruments are valid?
Sargan test
Why can’t we just simply compare b(OLS) to b(IV)?
Test suffers from possible finite sample problems:
OLS/IV test can have non-psd covariance matrix
Durbin-Wu-Hausman Test
H0: exogenous
1) a) Regress y on x(exo) and x(endo) -> e(i) = y(i) - b1xi(exo) - b2xi(endo)
b) Regress x(endo) on Z -> v(i)^ = x(endo) = z(i)’γ^
2) Regress e on x(exo) and x(endo) and residuals v^
3) LM = nR^2 ~ χ2(1)
Sargan Test
H0: Valid/exogenous instruments
1) Apply IV on y = Xβ + ε with instruments Z -> e(IV) = y - Xb(IV)
2) Regress e(IV) on X, that is, perform OLS in the model ei(IV) = Zi’γ + ηi
3) LM = nR^2 ~ χ2(m-k)
- m = # instruments
- k = # endogenous variables
Only works when m>k
Explain how to interpret outcome of Sargan test when null of Durbin-Wu-Hausman not rejected
H0 not rejected => don’t have sufficient evidence to reject endogeneity
Hence, validity of instruments not so relevant as OLS is the optimal method