Week 1 Flashcards
What is heteroskedasticity? Verbal and mathematical.
The amount of randomness may differ for each observation
E(Ɛi^2) = σi^2
How do you detect heteroskedasticity graphically?
In x-y graph: points closer together and further apart at different places in x
In x-residual graph: residuals deviate from 0 more at certain points than others
Consequences of heteroskedasticity
No longer efficient (not BLUE)
What do you need to do weighted least squares (WLS)?
σi^2 = σ^2vi, with vi known
What is the procedure for WLS?
Standardize variables (y, x and ɛ) by 1/sqrt(vi) Call standardized variables y*, x* and ɛ*
What is the expected value and variance of the WLS estimator?
E(b) = β Var(b) = σ^2(X*'X*)^(-1)
What are the properties of the WLS estimator?
How does WLS compare to OLS?
Same coefficient
Conclusions not affect
Different R^2
WLS estimator is more efficient
WLS in practice
In practice, vi is unknown or unobserved -> need to estimate variances
Estimation methods:
- Two step feasible WLS
- Maximum likelihood
Two cases of WLS
σi^2 = zi'γ σi^2 = exp(zi'γ)
Explain feasible WLS (FWLS)
1) Estimate variance parameters
a) Run normal OLS regression to obtain ei^2 (asymptotically unbiased estimators of σi^2)
b) Run regression ei^2 = zi’γ + ηi (or log(ei^2)
2) Apply WLS with estimated variances: σi^ = zi’γ^
Properties of FWLS
Consistent (if γ estimated consistently)
- in linear form - always consistent
- in multiplicative form - only when correction is included
Asymptotically efficient (and equal to WLS)
Maximum likelihood for WLS
θ^ ≈ N(θ0, (I^)-1), I^ = - second derivative of log likelihood function evaluated at θ^
What are the tests for heteroskedasticity?
- Goldfeld-Quant
- White
- Breusch-Pagan
- Likelihood Ratio
(H0 of homoskedasticity)
How to detect heteroskedasticity?
- Plot (sqaured) residuals against explanatory variables/time/etc.
- Compare OLS and White standard errors