Week 3 Flashcards
What is NOA and how can you treat it?
Non-obstructive azoospermia. You can treat it with TESE; testicular sperm extraction.
What is OA and how can you treat it?
Obstructive azoospermia. You can treat it with PESA; sperm aspiration.
What do you need for ovulation?
Hypothalamus, hypofyse, ovaria, uterus
What does activin do?
Is produced in pituitary and ovaries, enhances FSH synthesis and secretion.
What does inhibine do?
Production in granulosa cells and c. Luteum. Inhibitory on fsh levels.
What is WHO I?
FSH and LH are low. 10% of anovulations.
What is WHO II?
Fsh and LH normal, estradiol normal. LH can be elevated in PCOS. Most who II patients have PCOS. 80% of anovulations.
What is WHO III?
Fsh and LH elevated, estrogens low. 10% of the anovulations.
What is Kallman syndrome and which classification does it fall under?
GnRH deficiency with anosmia. There is no FsH/lh secretion. Falls under suprapituitary (WHO 1), primary amenorrhea.
What is hypothyroidism and which classification?
More TRH from hypothalamus > more TSH and more prolactine. Falls under supra pituitary (who 1) secondary amenorrhea.
What are causes for pituitary (who1) primary amenorrhea?
Prolactinoma, GnRH analogues, tumor, trauma, iatrogene, inflammation (infectious, systematic).
What are causes for pituitary (who1) secondary amenorrhea?
Prolactinoma GnRh analogs, Sheehan syndrome (caused by fluxus post partum).
What is hyperprolactinaemia?
Low gnrh -> low fsh/lh -> hypogonadism. Can be fysiologicsl, adenoma, stress, tumor, trauma. If you can’t find a cause, you should think of macroprolactinemia (headache, very high PRL, vision X)
What can be causes for ovary (who 2 and 3) ? Primary amenorrhea
Gonadal dysgenesis, pcos, adrenal hyperplasia.
What can be causes for ovary (who 2 and 3) ? Secondary amenorrhea
Pcos, adrenal hyperplasia, ovarian tumors, genetic, auto-immunity.