WEEK 25 part 1 Flashcards
Define ethics.
The study of what is wrong or right in human conduct.
This branch of philosophy which studies of moral principles.
Hence ethics is known as moral philosophy
Define Bioethics.
The branch of applied ethics that studies philosophical, social, and legal issues arising in medicine and the life science. its chiefly concerned with human life and well being.
What is the key competency of professionalism in healthcare practice?
Ethical practice
differentiates between ethics and molarity
Morality it what we actually do. Ethics what is the right thing to do.
What is moral theory?
A framework that guides actions. decide what is right. Explain norms for right action. outline rules for how too apply the guide.
List the bioethics
Utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, virtue ethics., social contract theory, principlism.
Utilitarianism belongs to the group of?
What does this rule say?
Moral status (rightness or wrongness) of an action is only concerned with its consequences.
The action is right if or only if its promotes the best consequences.
In utilitarianism, the net amount of _____ vs ______
Happiness vs pain/suffering
List 3 core claims of utilitarianism
The action is judged wrong or right only by the consequences.
Regarding consequences, only the amount of happiness/ unhappiness (utility) matters.
Each person’s happiness counts as equally important/ the same.
Problems with utilitarianism
The greatest balance of happiness over unhappiness.
Ignores other aspect of right action, such as inherent morality.
Utilitarianism vs justice
Utilitarianism vs human right
Utilitarianism vs Integrity
Kantian Deontology known as?
Rule morality
True or false
Kantian Deontology- strict rules of behavior confer moral status.
According to other utilitarians, what matters is not mere happiness or getting what we want, but doing things that are worthwhile.
true or false
According to Kantian Deontology actions are what?
Action have inherent moral worth , regardless of consequences.
According Kantian Deontology where do rules comes from?
from our rational capacity as human beings.
1. Capacity for freedom
2. Capacity for reason
According to Kantian Deontology, acting morally means?
Always doing one’s duty.
Doing the right thing for the right reason.
Problems with Kantian deontology.
Difficult to formulate a practical guide
Rules inflexible (universal law)
Duty to truth vs cost to ignoring the consequences.
Moral rules in conflict
Duty to protect the patient’s confidentiality vs Duty to prevent harm.
According to Kantian Deontology
an act is morally right if and only if a person can consistently will that the maxim supporting the action should apply always and everywhere.
True or False
Virtue ethics aka?
Character ethics
Virtue ethics focuses on?
Character rather than action
Problems with virtue ethics.
No clear action guideline
Also, don’t guide public policy
Critic no a complete moral theory-rather supplementary
True or false
1. Character of the person committing an action makes it moral
2. Right act done without virtue and wrong act done with virtue
3. Good people will right do deed that produce good.
4.It is concerned with the characteristic of the act or also consequences.
- True
- False
- True
- False
What is virtue?
The character trait that is good for a person to have.
Demonstrated in habitual action (sustain good deed)
Golden mean?
Virtues are midway between the two extremes of excess and deficiency
Pride (between vanity and exaggerated human being)
Generosity (between extravagance and stinginess)
Under social contract theory, Morality results
contracts that people share to make life tolerable.
Finish the following hobbes
1. Primitive life =
2. Law and morality arise from fear =
3. Survival request supreme ruler=
- War of all against all.
- Arise from the need to protect ourselves from ourselves and others
- Prevent destroying each other
Explain under the theory of justice looking at social contract theory.
Society = communal effort to advance the good of all
o Advantage/disadvantage due to birth, natural gift, historical
circumstance etc.
o Make more equal these “accidents of biology and history”
o Equal distribution of goods & services (unless unequal favours all)
How to ensure the theory of justice
o Plan the societal contract behind a “VEIL OF IGNORANCE”
(without knowing where will end up)
o Will ensure essential needs of all met
o Will ensure worst off position tolerable as possible