Week 23 Flashcards
The Great Gatsby Chapters 5-6
Part of Speech: Adverb; Definition: In a way that shows no sensitivity to others’ feelings; Original Sentence: “But, because the offer was obviously and ~~~ for a service to be rendered, I had no choice except to cut him off there.”; Additional Example: He ~~~ pointed out everyone’s mistakes, upsetting the entire group.
Part of Speech: Adverb; Definition: In a showy or overly bright manner, often lacking in good taste; Original Sentence: “…while his house blazed ~~~ on.”; Additional Example: The performer dressed ~~~ to draw everyone’s attention immediately.
Part of Speech: Adjective; Definition: Overwhelmed with intense happiness or excitement; Original Sentence: “…looked out at me with a bright ~~~ smile.”; Additional Example: They gave an ~~~ cheer when they learned they’d won the championship.
Part of Speech: Noun; Definition: An expression of disapproval or disappointment; Original Sentence: “He raised his hand to stop my words, looked at me with unforgettable ~~~, and… went back into the other room.”; Additional Example: She shot him a look of ~~~ after he forgot her birthday.
Part of Speech: Adjective; Definition: Deserving praise or admiration; Original Sentence: “…with ~~~ initiative he had hurried out ‘to see.’”; Additional Example: Her ~~~ efforts to help the community earned her a special award.
Part of Speech: Adverb; Definition: In an arrogantly proud or scornful manner; Original Sentence: “Mr. Sloane didn’t enter into the conversation, but lounged back ~~~ in his chair…”; Additional Example: She ~~~ refused to speak to anyone she considered beneath her.
Part of Speech: Adverb; Definition: In a way that shows no sensitivity to others’ feelings; Original Sentence: “But, because the offer was obviously and ~~~ for a service to be rendered, I had no choice except to cut him off there.”; Additional Example: He ~~~ pointed out everyone’s mistakes, upsetting the entire group.
Part of Speech: Adverb; Definition: In a showy or overly bright manner, often lacking in good taste; Original Sentence: “…while his house blazed ~~~ on.”; Additional Example: The performer dressed ~~~ to draw everyone’s attention immediately.
Part of Speech: Adjective; Definition: Overwhelmed with intense happiness or excitement; Original Sentence: “…looked out at me with a bright ~~~ smile.”; Additional Example: They gave an ~~~ cheer when they learned they’d won the championship.
Part of Speech: Noun; Definition: An expression of disapproval or disappointment; Original Sentence: “He raised his hand to stop my words, looked at me with unforgettable ~~~, and… went back into the other room.”; Additional Example: She shot him a look of ~~~ after he forgot her birthday.
Part of Speech: Adjective; Definition: Deserving praise or admiration; Original Sentence: “…with ~~~ initiative he had hurried out ‘to see.’”; Additional Example: Her ~~~ efforts to help the community earned her a special award.
Part of Speech: Adverb; Definition: In an arrogantly proud or scornful manner; Original Sentence: “Mr. Sloane didn’t enter into the conversation, but lounged back ~~~ in his chair…”; Additional Example: She ~~~ refused to speak to anyone she considered beneath her.