Week 2 - Words and phrases Flashcards
the gift of divine flavour
a system of cultivation of crops with the minimum use of labour or expense.
extensive farming
to have enough precipitation for agriculture
to have enough rainfall for farming
a map showing the typical amount of precipitation received by a certain area during a certain period of time
rainfall map
system that irrigates (waters) dry land
to supply dry land with water by means of canals, ditches, streams
to irrigate
the science and work of growing crops, farming
the act or process of removing fluid
to make happen
to cause
to bring about by authority or force
cause (noun)
the triangle-shaped piece of land fromed when sand and soil are deposited at the mouth of a river
пересекать границу
to cross a frontier
поля страницы
the margin of the page
сидел на краешке стула
sat on the edge of the chair
вечерняя заря вдали, на горизонте
the sun’s afterglow on the verge of the horizon
исследователь на пороге открытия
explorer on the verge of a great discovery
стоял на краю пропасти
stood on the brink of the cliff
на пороге влюбленности
on the brink of falling in love
трещина на ободке лупы
a crack in the rim of the lens
поля шляпы
the brim of the hat
забор по краю владений
a fence along the border of the property
рамка с широкими полями
a frame with a wide border
- Это граничит с безумием
- Поступок, граничащий с героизмом
to border
- It borders on insanity
- an act that borders on heroism
- with no part higher than any other part
- as high as smth else
- not excited
level (adj)
having a good temper or good sense
- сухой климат
- влажный климат
- тропический климат
- arid climate
- humid climate
- tropical climate
- сельская местность
- городской район
- жилой район
- rural area
- urban area
- residential area
- площадка для пикника
- место для хранения в подвале
- a picnic area
- a storage area in the basemant
- установить границу
- опушка леса
- to draw a border
- the border of teh forest