Week 2 Test Flashcards
Which diagnostic test uses iodine?
A condition of excessive urination at night is
The term for the inability to hold urine is
urinary incontinence
A ____ is a minimally invasive test that involves fluoroscopy to visualize the urinary tract and bladder, while the bladder is full and during urination.
Which diagnostic test requires a urine sample to be collected in a special container and the urine is analyzed in the lab for bacterial growth over a period of days?
Urine culture
This type of medication relaxes the bladder muscles and decreases bladder contractions.
True or False
The kidneys are located posterior to the peritoneum.
The folds in the walls of the bladder are called
A urinary tract infection of one or both of the kidneys is
True or False
Patients receiving peritoneal dialysis must report to the hospital or dialysis center for the procedure.
Peritoneal dialysis allows the person to work, travel, or sleep during the process.
A condition of excessive thirst is
The combining form for the sac that stores urine is
The ____ is the first section of the renal tubule and it is attached to the Bowman capsule.
proximal tubule
The renal pelvis is an extension of the ____ inside of the kidney.
This type of medication stimulates the bladder to contract, which helps with urination. It is used to treat overactive bladder and urge incontinence.
Which statement is correct regarding ADH?
ADH increases the water permeability of the walls of the distal tubules.
What are signs and symptoms of cystitis?
Nocturia, dysuria, urgency, and frequency
What is the etiology of acute cystitis?
-Inflammation caused from a bacterial infection
-Inflammation caused from medications and radiation therapy
-Inflammation caused from long-term catheterization
Which statement is correct regarding filtration?
Filtration involves the Bowman capsule and the glomerulus.
A suffix that denotes a urinary condition is
Peritoneal dialysis is performed by
using the abdomen as the filtering mechanism for waste
An infection anywhere in the urinary system is a
What is the most common cause of UTIs in women?
Escherichia coli
A benign enlargement of the prostate gland in older men is
Abnormal backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter is
vesicoureteral reflux.
Inflammation of the urinary bladder is called
True or False
Urinary incontinence is the inability to hold urine.
The bladder is composed of smooth muscle fibers that makeup the ___ muscle.
A combining form for the urinary bladder is
Cyst/o and vesic/o
This disease can follow a streptococcal infection and causes inflammation in the kidney.
True or False
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder that occurs only in male children.
Which of the following is a CLIA-waived test?
The microscopic functional units of the urinary system are
A condition of blood in the urine is
With a _____________, the cancer and the surrounding tissue are removed and the kidney remains functional.
partial nephrectomy
BUN stands for
blood urea nitrogen
What is a condition of sugar in the urine?
The combining form for the tubes that move urine from the kidneys to the bladder is
What is a normal function of the urinary system?
-Maintains fluid volume and normal composition of body fluids.
-Maintains an adequate blood pressure rate.
-Controls the red blood cell production.
-Activates vitamin D.
Which procedure involves the removal of the kidney, adrenal gland, surrounding tissue, and the local lymph nodes?
radical nephrectomy
With a _____________, the kidney and the ureter are removed.
Which statement is correct regarding reabsorption?
Reabsorption means substances move from the filtrate back into the blood.
The ___________ brings blood into the glomerulus and the ___________ takes blood away from the glomerulus.
afferent arteriole; efferent arteriole
Removal of a kidney stone is
The combining form for the tube that conducts urine from the bladder to the outside of the body is
Michelle called her physician’s office with complaints of painful urination. She has
The location on the kidney where the ureter and renal vein leave the kidney and the renal artery enters is the renal
The condition of pus in the urine is
This disease is also called kidney stones.
Renal calculi
True or False
The prostate is part of the urinary system.
What urine test would be taken first thing in the morning?
Pregnancy test
Casts in a urine specimen develop in what part of the urinary tract?
What should be done if a urine specimen isn’t going to be analyzed within an hour?
Refrigerate the specimen
A cloudy urine specimen may be the result of____
The condition ______ could lead to a blue/green colored urine 
Pseudonas Infection
Urine suspected of having high levels of____ should be stored in a dark place before testing
The urine pH is alkaline if the patient has
How many antiseptic towelettes should be used for a clean-catch midstream
A 24 hour urine sample is ordered to determine
Creatine Clearance rate
The value specific gravity, 1.035 is considered to be
Abnormally high
If urine has a fruity odor you would expect the____ to be elevated
A female with a UTI would most like have a positive _____ & ____ on a reagent strip
Nitrate and leukocyte
_____ is one of the first detectable sign of renal disease
______ is one of the first detectable sign of liver disease
A small amount of ____ is always present in normal urine
What is a normal range for pH in a urine specimen?
5.5 - 8.0
How soon can you detect HCG?
HCG is to test for?
- One week after implantation or 4 to 5 days before a missed period
- Pregnancy
_____ are tubular structures found in the urine and composed, mainly of mucoprotein produce in the kidney
A child, whose urine has a mousy smell, most likely would be diagnosed with
A ___ sample can be collected at any given time
In the microscopic observation of urine, sediment, yeast resembles
A turbid urine sample means that the specimen is
When ___ is found in urine, it may indicate kidney damage
The ____ in the nephron filters the blood to create a filtrate
Which urine specimens are used in diabetes screenings and for home diabetes testing programs?
2hr postprandial urine specimen
Name three things that may relate to abnormal urine color?
Diet, medication, disease
Polyuria is common in which of the following clinical situations?
An ammonia, or putrid smell in urine can be caused by an
_____ is commonly found in cystitis, and an individuals passing a kidney stone
The sugar most commonly found in urine is
The pigment that is responsible for the color of urine is
The study of poisonous substances and their effects on the body is
____ are the end product of fat metabolism in the body
True or False
The presence of casts in urine may be caused by strenuous activity
True or false
The clinitest is perform a test to see sugar in the urine
True or false
Ovulation testing measures the level of hCG in the bloodstream
True or false
Ketones may not be present in the urine sample that is room temperature
How many liters of urine does the average person produce daily?
2 Litters
Is the most accurate method of testing urine in patients with diabetes?
Second-voided specimen
_____ is the presence of intact red blood cells in urine
True or false
Reagent strips of your intestine must be performed on a fresh specimen within one hour of collection
_____ the passes are detected in urine after it has cooled
True or false
When urine is fresh and warm, trichomonas organisms, may be motile, and appeared to be darting about rapidly when the specimen is examined under microscope
How long should your urine be centrifuged?
3 - 5 mins
______ could lead to brown colored urine
Old blood-methemoglobin
Which vitamin a large amount can interfere with results of nutrients, glucose and bilirubin and results?
Vitamin C
Cocaine can last in your body for
12 hrs to 3 days
____,_____, ______can lead to bright yellow urine
Riboflavin, B vitamins, Multivitamins
Oxycodone last in your body for
1 to 4 days
_____ means damaging to the kidneys
Alcohol lasts in the body for
2 to 12 hrs