Week 2 Qualification Ground Study Flashcards
The Company’s Approved W&B system is based on ____________ weights, for passengers, crew, carry on an checked baggage?
What are the Primary, Secondary and tertiary Methods to perform W&B calculations?
-Auto Closeout
-Manual Closeout
-Dispatch Method
Who is responsible for ensuring completion and accuracy of cargo Load information in the ACARS W&B System
Customer Service
is an FA passenger count required to be conducted?
In the ACARS what is the load manifest called?
T/O Runway Data
Who is responsible for signing the load manifest prior to flight?
Summer weights are effective
May 1 - October 31
which program does all Planning and Performance Calculations?
At what fuel quantity remaining shall a pilot declare “Minimum Fuel”?
At what fuel quantity remaining shall pilot declare “Emergency fuel”?
How many minutes of fuel remaining requires a “Emergency Fuel” Declaration?
30 mins
How often must a VOR check be accomplished?
How is Dispatch digital Release signed by the Flight crew?
What Aircraft component is not calculated in a Rejected takeoff stopping distance required?
Thrust Reversers
What is the max speed an aircraft can have an engine failure and stop on the remaining Runway Distance?
What does AFML stand for
Aircraft Flight Maintenence Logbook
What 6 items are checked in the Aircraft AFML when accepting an Aircraft?
-Aircraft N-Number
-No open discrepency
-2 day check
-Airworthiness release signed off
-review open MEL/CDL/NEF
-14 Day Bi-monthly
What is the only acceptable way of correcting an error in the AFML?
-Draw a Single Line thru the discrepency
-Write “voided by”
-Signature and employee number
What are 4 MEL repair time intervals?
When does a Category A MEL expire?
Time Interval noted in MEL remarks
When does a Category B MEL expire?
3 consecutive calendar Days (not including Date of discovery)
When does Category C MEL Expire?
10 Consecutive Days (not including date of discovery)
When Does Category D MEL Expire?
120 Consecutive Calendar Days (Not Including day of discovery)
at what time does MEL Item expire?
2359 Local IND time
What does (M) Indicate IN MEL Provisions?
specific maintenance procedures required to operate
What does FR mean after an MEL system number?
The MEL has a follow up requirement that must be performed to remain valid (call to dispatch)
What does CA Indicate on the MEL?
May be accomplished by the crew, after speaking directly with Maintenance.
What is defer Interval on a CDL?
ALL CDL items treated as category D (120 days)
On dispatch release the numbers 25-9x-xxx would indicate what type of maintenance item?
NEF - Non essential Furnshing
When may a crew member pull or reset a CB while on the ground?
only when a checklist (QRH or QRC) requires it.
How many times may a CB be reset?
If a CB trips what AFML action must be performed?
Logbook Discrepancy Entry
What is the purpose of the ground reset guide?
provide a method to reset a nuisance message or fault.
What speed does N1 represent?
Low pressure (4stage spool)
Turbine speed
What is the name of the APU?
Hamilton Sonstrand APS2300
What engines are Equipped on the E175
CF34-8E high bypass and dual rotor turbofan
What is the bypass ratio on the CF34-8E engines?
What does 5:1 ratio mean on turbofan engine?
Thrust generated is 80% bypass and 20% combustion gases. 5:1
List items that would require an AMENDED release?
a. Change or addition of Alternate b . Change of hold fuel C. Fuel less than Ramp -300 d . Addition or removal of MEL / CDL / NEF e . Addition or removal “ non - airworthiness remark f . Change of route more than 50 NM g . Change of final filed altitude greater than 4000 feet h . Dispatcher change of flight plan i . Actual TOW exceeds Planned TOW by more than 4000 lbs j . Change of Destination in flight k . Change of FAs I. Addition / Edit / Delete dispatch remarks
What 3 items are attached to a release?
Computer Flight Plan
Weather package
TLR Runway Codes
The PIC is required to fill out a score card for a flight that is more than __________ Long?
2 Hours
List 8 items that would require a NEW Release?
-change flight number
-change tail number
-Change of PIC/SIC
-Return to field
-Rejected Takeoff return to gate
-Flight Delayed more than 2 hours
-Change Destination on ground
How Log must a cope of the release be available to crew?
until the end of the flight