Crew Wualifications Flashcards
The company will not use a pilot that has reached his/her (blank) Birthday
What is exemption 9346?
Allows a line check airman to perform a Line operated evaluation
What is a high minimums captain?
A captain who has not logged more than a hundred hours PIC
If using a high minimums captain what must be added to MdA and visibility on an approach?
100 and 1/2 mile vis
What is exemption 17203?
Allows “low mins captain” to fly at lowest cat I approach in certain situations
What is a low time first Officer?
Less than 100 hours in type (includes oe)
Does “oe” count towards first officers 100 hours when considering Low time FO?
Can a low time FO make takeoffs or landings when rvr is less than 4000ft?
Can Low Time FO make takeoff or landing if wind shear is reported near airport?
Can low time FO make takeoff or landing if visibility is less than 3/4 mile?
A low Time FO may not takeoff or land if the crosswind component is greater than (blank)
15 kts
If runway condition codes (RCC) reported as (blank) or less, a low time FO is prohibited from taking off or landing
Can a Low time FO land the airplane when LAHSO are in effect?
Does exemption 17203 apply to low time FOs?
The captain must land the airplane using a monitored approach.
Can two pilots with less than 75 hours in type (green on green) operate a flight?
What must a low time FO inform captain prior to operating a flight
Let him/her know that you are a low time FO
A pilot must accumulate (Blank) hours within 120 days after Initial LOE
100 hours
Does OE count towards a captains 100 hour requirement when considering “high minimums”
No OE does not count for captain