WEEK 2: Pathology of the liver Flashcards
Describe the location of the liver using quadrants.
located in the Right hypochondrium and epigastric region extending into the left hypochondrium.
The liver has dual supply. Describe the 2 main supplies and their percentages.
Has dual blood supply with portal vein (60-70% of blood supply and hepatic artery remaining 30-40% of blood).
Portal vein and hepatic artery enter the inferior aspect of the liver through hilum or porta hepatis.
Within the liver, the branches of the portal veins, hepatic arteries and bile ducts travel in parallel within portal tracts ramifying variably through 17 to 20 orders of branches.
Abdominal aorta, celiac trunk, common hepatic artery, hepatic artery proper, right hepatic artery, left hepatic artery, intermediate hepatic artery
How much bile is secreted by the liver daily?
State the storage capacity of an adult gall bladder.
Why is the gall bladder not essential for biliary function?
State the cause of more than 95% of biliary tract disease.
As much as 1 L of bile is secreted by the liver daily.
Between meals, bile is stored in the gallbladder, where it is concentrated.
The adult gallbladder has a capacity of about 50 mL.
The organ is not essential for biliary function, since humans do not suffer from indigestion or malabsorption of fat after cholecystectomy.
More than 95% of biliary tract disease is attributable to cholelithiasis (gallstones).
Compare the lobes of the liver.
State the function of the porta hepatis.
The Right lobe of the liver is the largest lobe whereas the left lobe of the liver is smaller.
The porta hepatis serves as the point of entry into the liver for the hepatic arteries and portal vein and the exit point for the hepatic ducts
Describe the vasculature of the liver.
Vascularization is from the Hepatic Artery
Abdominal aorta»> Celiac trunk»_space;> Common hepatic artery»_space;> Proper hepatic artery
Describe the venous drainage of the liver.
Venous drainages come into liver from portal hepatic vein, receiving drainage from intestines (mesenteric veins & splenic veins)
Within the liver, the portal vein branches extensively, forming smaller vessels known as portal venules. These portal venules penetrate into the liver parenchyma (liver tissue) and ultimately terminate in tiny blood vessels called sinusoids, which are lined by hepatocytes (liver cells).
Within the sinusoids, blood from the portal vein comes into close contact with hepatocytes, allowing for the exchange of nutrients, metabolic products, and toxins. The hepatocytes carry out numerous metabolic functions, including the processing and detoxification of substances absorbed from the digestive tract.
From liver the sinusoids united into hepatic veins, that drains into Inferior Vena Cava.
The IVC then carries the deoxygenated blood back to the heart for recirculation.
Hepatic portal vein»_space;> Portal venules»» Hepatic vein»> IVC»>Right atrium
Name blood vessels that make up the hepatic portal vein.
Superior mesenteric vein
Inferior mesenteric vein
Splenic vein
Gastric vein
Discuss Microstructure of the liver (Lobule).
The Lobule model: hexagonal lobules oriented around the terminal tributaries of the hepatic vein (terminal hepatic veins) with portal tracts at the peripheral of the lobule.
The hepatocytes in the vicinity of terminal hepatic vein are called “centrilobular”, those near the portal tract are “periportal”.
The acinar model: the hepatocytes near the terminal hepatic veins are the distal apices of roughly triangular acini whose bases are formed by penetrating septal venules from portal vein extending out from portal tracts.
In the acinus, the parenchyma is divided into 3 zones, zone 1 being closest to vascular supply, zone 3 abutting the terminal hepatic venule(central vein) and most remote from the afferent blood supply and zone 2 being intermediate.
The liver is vulnerable to a variety of metabolic, toxic, microbial, circulatory and neoplastic insults.
Outline the major primary diseases of the liver.
Viral hepatitis
Alcoholic liver disease
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Hepatocellular carcinoma
The liver has an enormous functional reserve and this tends to mask minor insults to it, however, with progressive or diffuse disease and disruption in bile flow, the consequences of deranged liver function may become life threatening.
Outline major causes of Hepatic injury/damage.
May result from many common diseases:
-cardiac decompensation
-Disseminated cancer
-And extrahepatic infections
Q: How does liver disease typically manifest in terms of clinical detection and symptoms of hepatic decompensation?
Q: What might be the case regarding symptoms and detection of liver abnormality in some patients with liver disease?
Q: What is the most common presentation of liver injury in patients?
Q: How often does acute fulminant hepatic failure occur in the context of liver disease?
A: Liver disease is often insidious, with clinical detection and symptoms of hepatic decompensation potentially occurring weeks, months, or even many years after the onset of injury.
A: Some patients with liver disease may not exhibit symptoms, and abnormalities may only be detected through abnormal laboratory tests.
A: Most patients with liver injury present with chronic liver disease.
A: Acute fulminant hepatic failure is rare in the context of liver disease.
NOTE: Acute fulminant hepatic failure, also known as fulminant hepatic failure or fulminant liver failure, is a rare and severe form of liver injury characterized by rapid and extensive loss of liver function within a short period, typically occurring over days to weeks.
Describe Pattern of hepatic injury.
-Hepatocyte degeneration and intracellular accumulations
-Hepatocyte necrosis and apoptosis
Outline examples of Liver syndromes.
Hepatic failure
Portal hypertension
Disturbances in bilirubin metabolism leading to jaundice and cholestasis
When does hepatic failure usually occur?
State two things that can cause End stage liver disease.
Is the most severe consequence of liver disease. Occurs when there is 80-90% loss of functional capacity.
May result from sudden and massive liver destruction (fulminant hepatic failure).
It is also the end stage of progressive chronic damage to the liver.
End stage liver disease may result from:
*Insidious destruction or hepatocytes or
*Repetitive discrete wave of parenchymal damage
State the 3 categories of liver failure.
Acute Liver failure
Chronic liver disease
Hepatic dysfunction without overt necrosis
Define acute liver failure.
Compare fulminant and sub-fulminant liver failure.
Is acute liver disease associated with encephalopathy within 6 months of initial diagnosis.
Is described as fulminant when the encephalopathy develops rapidly within 2 weeks of onset of jaundice and as sub-fulminant when it develops within 3 months of onset of jaundice.
Discuss the causes of acute liver failure.
- Massive hepatic necrosis most often due to drugs or toxins
*Accidental or deliberate ingestion of acetaminophen (Aspirin).
*Exposure to halothane
*Antimycobacterial drugs (Rifampin, Isoniazid)
*Antidepressant monoamine oxidase inhibitors
*Industrial chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride (CCL4).
*Mushroom poisoning (Amanita phalloides). - Hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis B virus
Autoimmune hepatitis
Unknown causes
Rarely hepatitis C
Discuss the Mechanism of liver damage in acute hepatitis.
- Direct toxic damage
-Acetaminophen and mushroom toxins - Variable combination of toxicity and immune mediated hepatocyte damage
-Hepatitis virus infection
Define Chronic hepatic failure.
Is the most common route of hepatic failure
Is the end point of persistent chronic hepatitis ending in cirrhosis