WEEK 2: Biliary and pancreatic pathology Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the biliary system.
Bile is produced from the liver and stored in the gall bladder.
Gall bladder»_space;> Cystic duct + Common hepatic duct»_space;> Common bile duct + Major pancreatic duct (Duct of Wirsung) joins to form the ampulla of Vater (Hepatopancreatic ampulla) which opens into the first part of the duodenum via Major papillae controlled by the sphincter of Oddi.
State the 4 main components of the biliary system.
Cystic duct
Hepatic ducts
Common bile duct
Describe anatomy of the gall bladder.
Surface anatomy quadrant?
Function of the gall bladder?
- The gallbladder is a gastrointestinal organ located within the right hypochondrial region of the abdomen. This intraperitoneal, pear-shaped sac lies within a fossa formed between the inferior aspects of the right and quadrate lobes of the liver.
- The primary function of the gallbladder is to concentrate and store bile which is produced by the liver.
As part of the gustatory response, the stored bile is then released from the gallbladder in response to cholecystokinin.
Discuss anatomical structure of the gall bladder.
The gallbladder has a storage capacity of 30-50ml and, in life, lies anterior to the first part of the duodenum. It is typically divided into three parts:
Fundus – the rounded, distal portion of the gallbladder. It projects into the inferior surface of the liver in the mid-clavicular line.
Body – the largest part of the gallbladder. It lies adjacent to the posteroinferior aspect of the liver, transverse colon and superior part of the duodenum.
Neck – the gallbladder tapers to become continuous with the cystic duct, leading into the biliary tree.
The neck contains a mucosal fold, known as Hartmann’s Pouch. This is a common location for gallstones to become lodged, causing cholestasis.
What is The Biliary Tree?
The biliary tree is a series of gastrointestinal ducts allowing newly synthesised bile from the liver to be concentrated and stored in the gallbladder (prior to release into the duodenum).
Describe the biliary tree.
Hepatocytes via canaliculi»_space;> Intralobular ducts»_space;> Collecting ducts»_space;> Right and left hepatic ducts»_space;> Common hepatic ducts»_space;> Common bile duct + Major pancreatic duct (Duct of Wirsung) joins to form the ampulla of Vater (Hepatopancreatic ampulla) which opens into the first part of the duodenum via Major papillae controlled by the sphincter of Oddi.
- Bile is initially secreted from hepatocytes and drains from both lobes of the liver via canaliculi, intralobular ducts and collecting ducts into the left and right hepatic ducts.
- These ducts amalgamate to form the common hepatic duct, which runs alongside the hepatic vein.
- As the common hepatic duct descends, it is joined by the cystic duct – which allows bile to flow in and out of the gallbladder for storage and release. At this point, the common hepatic duct and cystic duct combine to form the common bile duct.
- The common bile duct descends and passes posteriorly to the first part of the duodenum and head of the pancreas. Here, it is joined by the main pancreatic duct, forming the hepatopancreatic ampulla (commonly known as the ampulla of Vater) – which then empties into the duodenum via the major duodenal papilla. This papilla is regulated by a muscular valve, the sphincter of Oddi.
Describe vasculature to the gall bladder.
- Celiac trunk
- Common hepatic artery
- Proper hepatic artery (The transition from the common hepatic artery to the proper hepatic artery is identified by the point at which the gastroduodenal artery branches off.)
- Right hepatic artery
- Cystic artery
Proper Hepatic Artery: The proper hepatic artery is a continuation of the common hepatic artery within the liver. It further divides into branches that supply blood to the liver lobes. Along its course, the proper hepatic artery gives off the cystic artery, which is crucial for supplying blood to the gallbladder.
Right Hepatic Artery: The right hepatic artery is a branch of the proper hepatic artery. It travels towards the right lobe of the liver, providing it with oxygenated blood. In some cases, the cystic artery may arise directly from the right hepatic artery instead of the proper hepatic artery.
Discuss innervation and lymph drainage of the gall bladder.
- Innervation
The gallbladder receives parasympathetic, sympathetic and sensory innervation.
*The coeliac plexus carries sympathetic and sensory fibers, while the Vagus nerve delivers parasympathetic innervation.
*Parasympathetic stimulation produces contraction of the gallbladder, and the secretion of bile into the cystic duct due to relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. The majority of this response, however, is mediated by circulating cholecystokinin as part of the gustatory response.
- Lymph Drainage
Lymph from the gallbladder drains into the cystic lymph nodes, situated at the gallbladder neck.
The cystic nodes then empty into the hepatic lymph nodes, and ultimately, the coeliac lymph nodes.
- State the components of gall stones.
- What is the medical term for gall stones?
Clinical Relevance: Gallstones
Cholelithiasis, commonly known as gallstones, are small lumps of cholesterol, bile salts or a mixture of the two, which may form within the gallbladder. They are relatively common and often asymptomatic.
However, they may be associated with pain, jaundice and systemic upset (depending on the location of the gallstone, and the presence or absence of associated infection or inflammation).
Define the following terms.
- Cholelithiasis
- Cholecystitis
- Choledocholithiasis
- Cholangitis
- Cholecystectomy
Different terminologies are applied to distinguish between these pathologies:
- Cholelithiasis – uncomplicated gallstones
Biliary colic – typically right upper quadrant pain following a fatty meal as gallstones obstruct the cystic duct during contraction of the gallbladder. Not associated with systemic upset - Cholecystitis – inflammation of the gallbladder. Pain is often associated with nausea, vomiting or fever
- Choledocholithiasis – gallstone within the common bile duct. Often causes deranged liver function tests.
- Cholangitis – infection of the common bile duct often secondary to choledocholithiasis. Typically presents with right upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice (Charcot’s Triad)
- Once diagnosed, most symptomatic patients have surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy); which is now often performed via laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery during the acute phase or once recovery has taken place (often at 6 weeks). In the interim, patients are prescribed analgesia and antibiotics when required.
Define Charcot’s triad.
Discuss the 3 components.
Charcot’s triad is a classic clinical presentation associated with acute cholangitis; a serious condition characterized by inflammation of the bile ducts typically due to obstruction.
Typically presents with right upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice (Charcot’s Triad)
- Fever: Patients with acute cholangitis often present with a fever, which is usually high-grade and may be accompanied by chills and rigors. The fever is a response to the inflammation and infection in the biliary system.
- Jaundice: Jaundice refers to the yellowing of the skin and sclerae (the whites of the eyes) due to the buildup of bilirubin in the bloodstream. In acute cholangitis, jaundice occurs because the inflamed or obstructed bile ducts prevent bile from flowing normally into the intestines, leading to its accumulation in the bloodstream.
- Right Upper Quadrant Abdominal Pain: Patients often experience pain or discomfort in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, where the gallbladder and liver are located. This pain can vary in intensity and may be described as sharp, cramping, or constant. The pain typically arises due to distension of the bile ducts and inflammation of the liver and surrounding tissues.
State the 4 main Common pathology of the biliary system.
- Gallstone disease (CHOLELITHIASIS)
- Cholecystitis>(CHOLECYSTITIS)
- Carcinoma of the gallbladder> (CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA)
- Biliary Cirrhosis
Q: How do gallstones develop?
- *Gallstones occur when bile forms solid particles (stones) in the gallbladder.
*The stones form when the amount of cholesterol or bilirubin in the bile is high.
*Other substances in the bile may promote the formation of stones.
*Gallstones form when bile stored in the gallbladder hardens (solidify) into pieces of stone-like material.
*Bile is a bitter yellow or green fluid secreted by liver hepatocytes
*Then stored in the gallbladder and used in the digestion of fats
NOTE: Stone formation inside the gallbladder and kidney are serious and painful diseases
Gallbladder contraction pushes bile into the common bile duct which carries it to the small intestine, where it carries out fat digestion role.
State the components of bile.
The composition of bile includes water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts, proteins, and bilirubin.
Generally, if there is too much cholesterol then it will form into crystals that eventually grow into stones.
In conditions, when bilirubin is too high then this will also contribute to stone formation.
State factors that affect the composition of gallstones.
The composition of gallstones is affected by such factors as
Age, diet, geographical region, obesity, weight loss, and ethnicity among others
Gallstones can be broadly grouped based on their major chemical compositions.
State the 3 main types of gallstones.
They can be divided into the following three main types:
(i) cholesterol stones
(ii) pigment stones
(iii) mixed stones
Discuss cholesterol gallstones.
- These are the most common type of gallstones made of cholesterol.
- Cholesterol is one of the substances secreted by the liver cells into bile. In this process, the liver eliminates excess cholesterol from the body.
- Fatty cholesterol should dissolve in bile so that it can be carried through the ducts.
- If the liver secretes too much cholesterol (greater than the amount of bile acids and lecithin), some of the cholesterol remains undissolved.
- Similarly, if the liver does not secrete enough bile acids and lecithin, some of the cholesterol also does not dissolve.
Thus, in both cases, the undissolved cholesterol sticks together and forms particles of cholesterol that grow in size and eventually form larger gallstones
Discuss Pigment gallstones.
These are defined as any brown to black stones and composed of calcium salts, phosphate, carbonate, and other types of anions.
Pigment is a waste product formed from hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body in red blood cells (RBCs).
Old RBCs targeted for destruction is changed into bilirubin and released into the blood. Bilirubin is removed from the blood by the liver.
The liver modifies the bilirubin and secretes the modified bilirubin into bile. If there is too much bilirubin in bile, the bilirubin combines with other chemical constituents within bile to form pigments of brown color.
Discuss Mixed gallstones.
These types of stones are a mixture of cholesterol and pigment stones of varying proportions of cholesterol and bilirubinate salts.
They are also composed of other components such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, bilirubin, calcium bilirubinate, calcium palmitate, and calcium stearate.
Due to their calcium content, they are often radiographically visible.
Discuss the factors affecting the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstones.
- Age
- Obesity
- Female gender
- Female hormones
- Oral contraceptives
- Pregnancy
- Weight reduction
- Diet
- Diabetes and liver diseases.
- Reduced gall bladder motility
- Prolonged fasting
- Reduced bile secretion
- Bile salt diarrhea
Gallstones can block flow of bile if they move from the gallbladder and lodge in the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine.
Outline all the ducts that can be obstructed.
- Gallstones can block flow of bile if they move from the gallbladder and lodge in the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine.
The obstructed ducts
(i) hepatic ducts
(ii) cystic duct
(iii) common bile duct
Bile trapped in these ducts can cause inflammation in the gallbladder, the ducts, and in the liver.
Q: What other ducts open into the common bile duct, and what do they carry?
Q: What can happen if gallstones pass through the common bile duct, and what is the resulting condition?
Q: What are some warning signs of gallstone pancreatitis, and what can happen if it is left untreated?
A: Other ducts, including the pancreatic duct, open into the common bile duct. The pancreatic duct carries digestive enzymes out of the pancreas.
A: Most of the time, when gallstones pass through the common bile duct, they can cause inflammation in the pancreas, leading to a condition called gallstone pancreatitis. This condition is extremely painful and critically dangerous.
A: Warning signs of gallstone pancreatitis include fever, jaundice, and unrelieved pain. If left untreated, this condition can lead to death.
Outline Complications of Gallstones
- Empyema of the gallbladder: Gallbladder with obstructed cystic duct may be distended with pus (purulent exudate).
- Gangrenous cholecystitis: Gallbladder transformed into a green-black necrotic organ.
- Acute gaseous or emphysematous cholecystitis: It is due to invasion of gas-formingorganisms (such as clostridia and coliforms).
- Perforation of the gallbladder: It is due to secondary bacterial infection.
- Bile peritonitis: It may result from the discharge of bile from the distended gallbladder into the peritoneal cavity.
- Pericholecystic abscess, abscesses in the liver or abdominal cavity.
- Fistula into the intestine or duodenum: Perforations may lead to fistula formation with neighboring organs such as small or large intestine creating a cholecystenteric fistula.
- Gallstone ileus: Through the fistula, large gallstone can pass into the bowel result in gallstone ileus or intestinal obstruction
Q: What is cholecystitis?
Q: What are the possible forms of cholecystitis?
A: Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.
A: Cholecystitis may manifest as acute, chronic, or acute superimposed on chronic inflammation.
Q: What is the primary association of cholecystitis?
Q: What is a significant indication for abdominal surgery?
Q: How does the occurrence of cholecystitis relate to that of gallstones?
A: Cholecystitis always occurs in association with gallstones.
A: Cholecystitis is one of the most common indications for abdominal surgery.
A: The occurrence of cholecystitis closely parallels that of gallstones.
So, when someone says that the occurrence of cholecystitis closely parallels that of gallstones, they mean that when you have gallstones, there’s a good chance you might also get cholecystitis.
It’s like saying if you have a bunch of pebbles in your gallbladder, there’s a higher chance it might get swollen and sore too.
They kind of go hand in hand.
Define Acute Calculous Cholecystitis.
Acute calculous cholecystitis is a sudden and severe inflammation of the gallbladder caused by the presence of gallstones.
Q: What is the primary cause of acute calculous cholecystitis in about 90% of cases?
Q: What are the three factors that can bring about inflammation of the gallbladder?
In about 90% of cases as a complication due to obstruction of the neck or cystic duct by gallstones.
The inflammation of gallbladder may be brought out by three factors namely,
-Chemical inflammation
-Mechanical inflammation
-Bacterial inflammation
Discuss chemical inflammation of the gall bladder.
Inflammation of the obstructed gallbladder may be due to chemical irritation.
- Production of lysolecithin: The phospholipase from the epithelium gallbladder may act on lecithin present in bile and release toxic lysolecithin can cause chemical inflammation.
- Decreased glycoprotein: Normally, glycoprotein produced by gallbladder mucosa has protective role. Its decreased production leads to the direct mucosal cell damage.
- Supersaturation of bile with cholesterol: It may cause toxic damage to the epithelium.
- Prostaglandins: These are released within the wall of the distended gallbladder and contribute to inflammation of mucosa and wall of the gallbladder.
Discuss Mechanical inflammation of the gall bladder.
Obstruction of the cystic duct increases intraluminal pressure and distention of the gallbladder
*Leads to disturbance of motility (dysmotility) of the gallbladder.
*Results in obstruction of venous flow and ischemia of the gallbladder mucosa and wall.
Discuss Bacterial inflammation of the gall bladder.
*It may play a role in acute cholecystitis
*But usually, bacterial invasion is a secondary event.
*The most frequent organisms include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Streptococcus species, and Clostridium species.
Define Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis.
Outline the risk factors for Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis.
In summary, acute acalculous cholecystitis is a sudden and severe inflammation of the gallbladder that occurs without the presence of gallstones.
Risk factors: include
– Major trauma and burns
– Sepsis with hypotension and multisystem organ failure
– Immunosuppression
– Diabetes mellitus
– Nonbiliary major surgical operations
– Systemic infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, actinomycosis, etc.).
What is the main pathogenic event in acute acalculous cholecystitis?
State the contributing factors to the main event.
Ischemic injury: It is the main pathogenic event in acute acalculous cholecystitis.
Contributing factors:
These include inflammation and edema of the wall compromising blood flow
*Gallbladder stasis
*Accumulation of microcrystals of cholesterol (biliary sludge).
In biliary cirrhosis, the progressive damage and inflammation of the small bile ducts lead to a buildup of bile in the liver, causing damage to liver cells and eventually leading to cirrhosis.