WEEK 2 - Partisan Business Cycles Flashcards
What is Hibbs’ suggestion about political parties and economics?
- That partisan influence on real econ activity shown to have permanent effects
- Left wing parties prefer combos of output and unemployment which differ from right wing choices
What is combo of output and unemployment that left wing parties typically have?
Assumed to be more willing to bear the costs of inflation in order to lower unemployment (also in turn increasing econ growth)
What is one of the initial criticisms to Hibbs’ suggestion?
Developments in econ theory past the 60’s suggest this trade off not easily exploitable (unemployment and inflation)
What do Alesina and Rosenthal develop?
A similar model to Hibbs within rational expectations framework
Known as the rational partisan theory
At odds with Nordhaus’s traditional business cycle models
What does Nordhaus’s model imply?
predicts that economic growth should be lower before
an administration comes to power, irrespective of its political ideology
In the rational partisan theory when does the business cycle occur?
Due to the uncertainty generated by competitive partisan politics
What do we initially assume about the rational partisan theory?
-Structure of economy given by y = γ (πt - wt)+ Y bar
-Nominal growth in wages (wt) equal to expected inflation rate (πe):
wt = πe
- yt: Growth rate of GDP
- πt: Rate of inflation
- wt: Growth rate of nominal wages
- y bar: Natural rate of econ growth
- γ >0 is a parameter
- t is a time subscript
How can we rewrite the structure of the economy knowing that nominal growth in wages is equal to expected inflation rate?
y = γ (πt - πe )+ Y bar
What are the political party preferences in the model?
Party D (democratic) and Party R (Republican)
Party D more concerned with growth and unemployment less so with inflation
What is the formal representation of Party D’s preferences? (The Objective Function)
uD = - (πt - πD bar)2+ bDyt
Such that πD bar>0 and bD>0
πD bar = Target inflation rate associated with D
bD = Represents extent to which D cares about output
How do we rewrite D’s preferences with the structure of the economy considered?
uD = - (πt - πD bar)2 + bDγ(πt - πe) + bDy bar
What is implied by D’s preferences with the structure of the economy considered?
Implies that policymaker benefits from unexpected burst of inflation (if πt > πe,uD rises)
What is the formal representation of Party R’s preferences? (The Objective Function)
uR = - (πt - πR bar)2 + bRyt
Such that πR bar >0 and bR>0
πR bar = Target inflation rate associated with D
bR = Represents extent to which R cares about output
How do we rewrite R’s preferences with the structure of the economy considered?
uR = - (πt - πR bar)2 + bRγ(πt - πe) + bRy bar
What is implied by R’s preferences with the structure of the economy considered?
R benefits from an unexpected burst of inflation (e.g. if πt > πe,uR rises)