Week 2 -P vs NP Flashcards
Given 2 functions f(n) and g(n)
define big o
f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exists some c ( where c>0 ) such that for all values of n f(n)<= c x g(n) where n>= n0 (n0 >=0)
define big omega
f(n) = Ω(g(n)) if there exists some c ( where c>0 ) such that for all values of n f(n)>= c x g(n) where n>= n0 (n0 >=0)
define big theta
f(n) =O(g(n)) AND Ω(g(n))
What is the language of a decision problem
Every problem for which the answers are yes or No can be a language
Lp = w ∈ Σ* : w is an instance of problem P whose answer is yes
Time complexity tM(w) of a deterministic machine ( given a terminating machine)
M is a subscript character
number of steps required to terminate on an input word w ∈ Σ*
Time complexity tM(w) of a non-deterministic machine ( given a terminating machine)
M is a subscript character
the number of steps in the single longest computation of the input w be it one that terminates in an accepting or rejecting state
Worst case time complexity (Tm(n)) - m is a subscript character
max {t(w) : all words w of length n}
looks at every possible input of length n and identifies longest to process
P (Polynomial Time): This refers to the class of problems that can be solved efficiently by a computer, meaning that an algorithm exists that can find the solution in a time that grows at a polynomial rate with the size of the input. In simpler terms, if a problem is in P, it means there is a known fast solution to it.
NP (Nondeterministic Polynomial Time): This refers to the class of problems for which a given solution can be verified efficiently, even if we don’t know how to find that solution quickly. If a problem is in NP, it means that while it might be hard to solve, if someone gave you a solution, you could check it quickly.
The Big Question: P vs NP
P problems are “easy to solve.”
NP problems are “easy to verify.”
P what it is
(Deterministic) polynomial time
A langauge L is said to be solvable in polynomial time if there exists
a deterministic Turing Machine M such that:
. M accepts L
. Polynomial time complexity O(n^k) dont get confused with exponential
P is the class of all languages solvable in Deterministic polynomial time
NP what is it
Non-Deterministic polynomial time
A langauge L is said to be solvable in non-deterministic polynomial time if there exists
a non-deterministic Turing Machine M such that:
. M accepts L
. Polynomial time complexity O(n^k) dont get confused with exponential
NP is the class of all languages solvable in Non-Deterministic polynomial time
what is NP Complete
. Np hard
.in NP
Examples of NP complete problems
Boolean satisfiability problem
Clique Problem
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem
Travelling Salesman Problem
Graph Colouring Problem
Knapsack Problem