Week 10 - Decidability / undecidability and more Flashcards
sirs definition
. Terminates
. sound -> if M(w) = 1 then w exists in Language
.complete if w exists in language M(w) = 1 [turing machine accepts the string]
“If a language L is decidable, what can we say about its complement L̄? Explain the proof concept.”
“If L is decidable, then L̄ is also decidable. Here’s why:
Since L is decidable, there exists a TM M that decides it
To decide L̄, we can build a new TM M’ that:
Uses M as a subroutine
Runs M on input w
Reverses M’s answer (accepts when M rejects, rejects when M accepts)
M’ will always halt (since M does)
M’ will correctly decide L̄ by definition
This shows decidable languages are closed under complement.”
decidable expanded
. halts
. correctly accepts all strings in L
. correctly rejects all strings in L
No turing machine exists that satisfies all properties found in decidability:
. halts AND correctly accepts all strings in L AND correctly rejects all strings in L
What is the input to a Universal Turing Machine
encoding of the turing machine and the input word
What is the purpose of a Universal Turing Machine (
A Universal Turing Machine simulates the operation of another Turing machine M on input
Accepts ⟨code(𝑀), 𝑤⟩ if M accepts 𝑤
Rejects ⟨code(𝑀) , 𝑤⟩ if M rejects 𝑤
Gets stuck if 𝑀 does not halt on 𝑤
How are Turing machines encoded for input to a UTM?
code(𝑀) = ⟨ 𝑞init , 𝑞accept, 𝑞reject ,⟨𝛿⟩⟩
δ is the transition function of
Example :
M is a Turing machine with:
𝑞init = 𝑞0
𝑞accept =𝑞𝑎
𝑞reject = 𝑞𝑟
𝛿(𝑞0,0) = (𝑞1 ,1,𝑅)
𝛿(𝑞1 ,1) = (𝑞𝑎,1,𝐿)
The encoding code (𝑀)
code(M) would look like:
code (𝑀) = ⟨𝑞0 , 𝑞𝑎 , 𝑞𝑟 , ⟨(𝑞0, 0, 𝑞1 ,1 , 𝑅) , (𝑞1 , 1 , 𝑞𝑎,1,𝐿)⟩⟩
This string representation can now be processed by a Universal Turing Machine to simulate the behavior of
can a universal turing machine decide an undecidable language
Can a Universal Turing Machine Decide a Language L?
Decidable Languages:
If a language L is decidable, there exists a Turing machine M that always halts and gives correct answers.
A Universal Turing Machine (UTM) simulates M and will also halt and decide L.
Undecidable Languages:
If a language L is undecidable, no Turing machine M can always halt and decide it.
A UTM, simulating M, will behave the same (e.g., loop indefinitely) and cannot decide L.
A UTM can decide L if L is decidable but cannot decide L if L is undecidable.