week 2 (no week 1) Flashcards
history of the casket (7)
- early burial receptacles; mats, skins or wooden and earthenware baskets
- 17th and 18th century coffin burial in America ; influenced by ; resources, economic status, war, famine, pestilence and natural disasters
- early American coffins ; wood (hardwood or pine)
- 1800 cabinet makers and carpenters became coffin makers
- early American coffins were made of wood
- 19th century ; the transformation of the old fashioned coffin into the modern casket
- emergence of coffin shops (when caskets begins to become a significant item in cost of the funeral)
casket history cont’d (4)
- in 1836 the first US patent was given to James gray of Richmond VA for his metallic coffin
- early 19th century coffins ; cast and wrought iron because of the concern with grave robbers
- fisk metallic coffin; almond D fisk; the air tight coffin
- crane and breen co of Cincinnati OH (1853-19740 is credited with the earliest development of the metallic casket
most remarkable coffin ever patented and put into widespread use in america
fisk metallic coffin
functions of the early coffin/casket (6)
- functionality
- better indicated the importance of the deceased and their family
- protection from grave robbers
- protection from elements
- funerals and burials became more aesthetic
- lead coffins were used to help prevent decomp
coffin vs casket (1-3)
coffin ; anthropoid in shape
casket ; protection, suitable memory picture, designed for internment, entombment or cremation
a case or receptacle in which human remains are placed for protection, practical utility, and a suitable memory picture; and any box or container of one or more parts in which a dead human body is placed prior to interment, entombment or cremation which may or may not be permanently interred, entombed or cremated with the dead human remains
a non metal receptacle or enclosure without ornamentation or a fixed interior lining
-made of cardboard, pressed wood, composition material or pouches of canvas or other material
alternative containers
life signals purpose
fear of live burial and grave robbers
what were the grave robbers nicknamed?
ressectionists (body snatchers)
- to sell to anatomists
who created life signals and the characteristics (3)
- Christian Eisenbrandt, B More MD 1843
- new and useful improvements to coffins
- life preserving coffins in case of doubtful deaths
- designed with wires and pins and a spring lid to enable the occupant of the coffin by the slightest movement of the hand or head to have coffin lid spring open
what is the value of the casket? (3)
- symbolizes love, caring, protection, religious commitment, personality, etc
- therapeutic value of the casket and the role it plays in the grief process
- the casket has a vital role in the funeral for several reasons
- practical, symbolic, cultural and psychological
types of caskets (4)
- burial caskets
- rental (ceremonial)
- cremation
- green caskets
casket construction material
- casket shells are predominately made from 2 materials, metal and wood
when closed properly, caskets will resist the entrance of outside elements
gasket caskets
are not intended to resist the entrance of outside elements
non gasket caskets
metal caskets hae 2 subcategories… (2)
- ferrous
2. non ferrous
ferrous metal caskets CHARACTERISTICS (2)
- available in 3 gauges ; 16, 18, and 20
2. available in stainless steel (300 and 400 series ss)
steel casket characteristics
- steels are sold in gauges
- 20, 18, 16
- lower the gauge, the thicker the metal
stainless steel casket subcategories (2)
- ferritic SST
2. Austentic SST
basic grade of SST
-sometimes referred to as 400 series SST or 409 SST.
ferritic SST caskets
has excellent corrosion resistance and better quality than 400 series.
-sometimes referred to 300 series or 304 SST
austenitic SST
stainless steel metals include (3)
- alloy of steel
- carbon
- chromium
2 types
300 and 400 series
magnet test for SST caskets
- if magnet holds
- if magnet doesn’t hold
what series are these?
- holds; 400
- doesnt hold; 300
non ferrous casket characteristics
- copper and bronze
- sometimes referred to as precious or semi precious
- available in 32 and 48 oz (brown and Sharpe gauge