WEEK 2: Money Market Instruments, Fixed Income, and Equities Flashcards
memorize terms
real assets
assets used to produce goods and services (land, machinery, knowledge)
financial assets
means that individuals hold claim to the real assets (stock, bonds, options)
asset classes
- money market (1 year or less), cash and cash equivalents
- fixed income, equity, derivatives, real estate, alternative assets
Asset Allocations and Sub-allocations
- stocks (equities): large, mid, small cap stocks, foreign stocks and growth vs income
- US government, municipal bonds, corporate bonds, foreign bonds, inflation-protected bonds
- real estate, commodities, currencies, limited partnerships
Cash and cash equivalents
cash, depository accounts (checking, NOW, savings, money market), liquid securities (certificate of deposit, T-bills, US savings bonds), brokerage accounts (asset management, money market), commercial paper, banker’s acceptance, eurodollars
characteristics of cash equivalents
low risk, highly liquid, low return, provide assess to liquid assets for emergency or short-term operational (working capital) needs
Checking/NOW Account
facilitate financial transactions, on-demand withdrawal, no interest or minimums
Savings/Money Market Deposit account
higher interest than checking and NOW, subject to account minimums, some check writing restrictions, fees assessed
certificate of deposit
fixed interest rate time deposit, any denomination, subject to minimum, FDIC-insured time deposits, pays fixed interest rate, early withdrawal penalties, brokered CDs are issued by banks to brokerage firms who de-bundle and sell to customers
money market mutual funds
pooling of assets to purchase diversified portfolio of short-term debt securities with low credit risk, minimum opening and balance requirements, earns a market rate of interest, minimum level of volatility
US Treasury Bills
federal debt, sold at discount to face value, actively traded in secondary market, min denomination is $100, interest is taxable at federal level, tax-exempt at state and local level
commercial paper
short-term paper debt issued by a corporation to finance short-term operations: unsecured, short-term promissory note, issued to finance short-term need, discount to par value
banker’s acceptance
agreement between a bank and company: bank guarantees to make the future payment, typically issued for short-term financing, bank’s credit replaces credit of the company, used to facilitate international trade, sold at discount to par value
repurchase agreement
short-term agreement in which one party sells a security to another party with an agreement to repurchase at a specific date and price
US dollar-denominated time deposits held in foreign banks, typically short-term
federal funds
bank reserves held at Federal Reserve, to maintain reserve requirement, bank often borrow overnight from other banks
taxation of money market instruments
ordinary income: interest
capital gain income: sale of asset
bond categories
issuer (US gov, state and local), term structure, credit rating (investment grade, junk), cash flows (coupon paying, zero coupon)
cash flows for coupon bonds
fixed income securities with maturities > 1 year. coupon bonds offer semi-annual or annual coupon payments + return of bond’s face value at maturity
zero coupon bonds
receive par value at maturity
fixed-income securities
US government bonds and agency securities (US treasury notes and bonds, TIPS, STRIPS, US savings bonds, US government agencies), mortgage-backed securities, guaranteed insurance contract (GICs), municipal bonds (general obligation, revenue bonds), corporate bonds (investment grade, junk), foreign bonds, promissory notes
US treasury note
issued in terms of 2-10, multiple of $100, semi-annual interest payments, interest income is subject to federal tax, exempt at state and local elvel
US treasury bond
same as treasury note, but issued in terms of 10-30 years
US treasury inflated-protected services (TIPS)
pays fixed interest rate on adjusted principal, linked to moves in CPI, at maturity, investor gets inflation-adjusted principal
zero coupon
US Savings Bonds
zero coupon bonds, pays interest when redeemed/maturity, purchase from US treasury, can be redeemed early after one-year with penalty in first 5 years, interest deferred until redeemed
Series EE: discount to face value, issued at 50% to face with term 20 years
Series I: zero coupon with 1-30 year maturity, fixed rate of interest + variable inflation - rate adjustment
both tax exempt
Mortgage-backed securities
pass-through securities, mortgage payments passed along to debt-holder, subject to prepayment risk
Centralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) are backed by a pool of mortgage loans divided into tranches.
Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC)
low risk, zero coupon, offered by insurance companies, guaranteed return of principal and interest at maturity, low rate of return, low volatility, low liquidity
Municipal Bonds
debt issued by state and local governments
general obligation bonds - backed by taxing power of gov
revenue bonds - backed by specific project
public muni: tax exempt at fed level
interest is generally tax-exempt within home state
Corporate Bonds
issued by US corporations, 1-30 years, interest rate based on market rate for similar debt securities
Other bonds
yankee: debt obligation issued by foreign bank or company that is issued in US, interest and principal paid in US $
foreign: debt obligation issued by foreign government, bank, or company, interest and principal paid in local currency
Callable bonds
company has “right” to recall bonds after a certain period, recalled if company can reissue debt at a lower cost in exchange for right (bondholder) receives higher yield than equivalent “straight bond” plus a call premium
Puttable bonds
bond holder has right to sell bond back to issuer prior to maturity at predetermined price, lower YTM than straight bond, bondholder will sell bond back to issuer if rates increase
Convertible Bonds
provide the bond holder with the right to convert the bond to common shares, if exercising right bondholder turns in the bond and receives stock, specifies conversion ratio, may have call provision, so issuer can force redemption
Bond with a warrant
provide bondholder right to exercise warrant to buy common shares, if exercising bondholder keeps bond and buys shares, specifies per share purchase price, value of warrant is priced similarly to call option
taxation of bonds
municipal: tax exempt at fed
coupon: interest
zero: accrued
discount bond: interest + amortized discount
premium bond: interest - amortized discount
TIPS: interest and semi-annual inflation adjustments
all: capital gain sale before maturity
accrued interest
amount of interest that accumulates since last coupon payment
common stock
ownership in the company: voting rights, right to dividends, limited liability, growth asset, high return, high volatility, stock liquidity
companies pay out dividends quarterly or annually to existing shareholders.
income = cash dividend
declaration date, date of record, ex-dividend date, date of payment, payout (dividends per share/EPS), retention ratio (1-payout ratio), dividend yield (DPS/current price per share)
stock splits
increases the number of shares owned by shareholders but decreases stock price, net value remains unchanged
capital appreciation
appreciation = current market price - basis
total return = dividends + cap appreciation
categories of stocks
market capitalization (#shares outstanding * current market price), geographical location, growth vs income, market cycle performance, sector vs industry
stock rights
way for company to raise capital, offer existing shareholders the right to accumulate more shares
stock warrants
offers the holder the right to buy (or sell) certain number of shares at a special price by a certain time (>5years). if issued the company issues new shares. if put warrant is redeemed, company buys back shares
American Depository receipt
shares in foreign companies that can be purchased on our domestic exchange, represents shares held on deposit, direct ownership of foreign security in $, exchange risk
sponsored vs unsponsored ADRs
sponsored: implemented by US depository bank in collaboration with foreign company
unsponsored: without collaboration, only trades over counter and demand driven by broker-dealer
preferred stock
fixed dividend into perpetuity, preference over common, no voting rights, might be convertible, cumulative dividends must be paid before common can receive dividends, dividends can be skipped, no maturity debt