Week 2: Interviewing, The Health History, & Communication Flashcards
AIDET mnemonic
A: Acknowledge
I: Introduce
D: Duration
E: Explain
T: Thank you
Preliminary actions
Actions done before the procedure or interaction
4 phases of the health history
Phase 1: History
Phase 2: Psychosocial assessment
Phase 3: Specialty assessments
Phase 4: Review of systems (ROS)
The collection of the following information is a part of what phase of health history?
- Chief complaint/reasons for seeking care
- Biographical data
- Medication reconciliation
- Vaccinations
- Past medical history
- Family history
Phase 1: History
The collection of the following information is a part of what phase of health history?
- Education and occupation
- Housing and environment
- Self care
- Safety
- Substance use
- Sexual health
Phase 2: Psychosocial assessment
The collection of the following information is a part of what phase of health history?
- Functional assessment
- Cultural assessment
- Spiritual assessment
Phase 3: Specialty assessments
When performing medication reconciliation, don’t forget to ask about…
Supplements and vitamins
When asking about past medical history, don’t forget to ask about…
BATHE method
B: Background
- What’s going on?
A: Affect
- How do you feel about that?
T: Trouble
- What troubles you most?
H: Handling
- How are you handling that?
E: Empathy
- That must be very difficult
CAGE-AID questionnaire, purpose
Substance abuse screen
HITS screening tool, purpose
Domestic violence screening tool
Barthel index, purpose
Assesses functional independence by measuring a person’s ability to complete ADLs
FICA assessment tool, purpose
Spirituality assessment tool
When with patient, never allow the patient to…
3 components of situational awareness
- Perception
- Comprehension
- Projection