week 2: historical survey I-II Flashcards
Christ is a mere man; adopted by God at his baptism.
who founded adoptionism?
Cerinthus/the Ebionites
Adoptionism spreads and becomes more well developed and well spread into the 3rd century and __________ becomes a central figure at this time
Paul of Samosata
what does Unitarianism refer to?
denies the Trinity of Persons, holds that there not 3 persons in the 1 God
what does Tritheism refer to?
holds that there are 3 distinct Persons in the Trinity, but holds they are not united
what are two types of Trinitarian heresies?
Unitarianism and Tritheism
What did Paul of Samosata mean when he used the word Homoousios?
“of the same person”
what did Nicea mean when using the word Homoousious?
“of the same substance”, this is how the Church refers to homoousious
Paul of Samosata transmit his view on subordinationism to _____ (who is teacher of ____)
Lucian, Arius
due to ________, the word _____ was prohibited
Paul of Samosata’s misuse and misleadings, homoousious
the prohibition of homoousios to mean _____________ still exists today
of the same person
heresy wherein Word is another name for the Father who becomes the Son by the Incarnation and suffers for mankind
Sabellianism has its roots in _________
God is one person, Father/Son/HS are three ways that God expresses Himself in the economy of human salvation
Denial of any distinction in God and asserted that in God there is only one hypostasis and three masks/roles/modes
Modalism (includes Patripassionism/Sabellianism)
What did Origen teach?
1) 3 hypostases (aka 3 individuals) (good)
2) eternal generation of the Son (good)
3) homoousios (good)
4) hierarchy, inequality in Trinity (not good)
Jesus (is/is not) a creature
is NOT
Jesus was __________
begotten, not made
unity of substance, trinity of Persons is the terminology asserted by _______
What did Arius teach?
a) God’s substance = incommunicable.
b) The Word = an intermediary
c) The Word = created; “begotten” means “adopted”
d) The Holy Spirit is the first creature created by the Word.
Arius equates being begotten with _______
being created
Scripture testifies that Jesus is __________
begotten not made (not created, eternal)
In the Nicene Creed, the Church dogmatically defines:
1) Jesus is God and
2) The Second Divine Person proceeds from the First Divine Person by Generation, and therefore is related to Him as Son to a Father (De Fide)
God the Father/Son/Holy Spirit ____
is ONE nature (not three)
Macedonianism/Pneumatomachi asserted that _____________
the Holy Spirit is not God
_______________ defended the divinity of the HS and his consubstantiality with the F. and the S.
Sts. Athanasius
Gregory Nazianzus
Gregory Nyssa and
Didymus of Alexandri
“ousia” can mean…
essence or person/rational nature
Thus, God is “_________________”
one ousia (essence), and three hypostases (persons)
The major contribution of the Cappadocian Fathers
honing in the Greek terminology
The Cappadocian Fathers showed that to be begotten does not ______________
always entail being created.
In the Creed of 381, the Church dogmatically defines:
1) The HS = God, and 2) In God there are two internal Divine Processions (De Fide)
Pneumatomachianism was condemned 1) at the Synod of Alexandria (_____) by St. Athanasius
2) at Constantinople I (____) – Nicaeo-Constantinopolitan Creed:
and 3) at the Roman Synod (_____) by Pope St. Damasus which condemned all ancient antitrinitarian errors, especially Macedonianism (vs. HS).
362, 381, 382
In the Athanasian Creed (_______), the Church teaches: The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, but ___________
Quicumque, not through generation. (De fide)
“perceived peculiarities” = ________
In the God-head, ___________ are undivided
nature and activity
The Holy Spirit comes ____________, whereas the Son comes ________. This shows that ____________
from the Father through the Son, through the Father alone. There is something unique about the F/S/HS
Only the Son _________
is begotten
Only the Holy Spirit _____________
proceeds from the Father through the Son
in the next life, do we see the Divine Essence?
Yes; note: Eastern Church Fathers would say we will not
there are two types of temporal missions. what are they?
visible: Son = incarnation; the sending of the HS on Pentecost
invisible: Indwelling of the Trinity in the souls of the just
there are Eternal Processions. How many? what are they?
2; Son from the Father, Holy Spirit from the Father through the Son
what proceeds is outside of the substance of its source.
external procession
what proceeds remains within the very substance of its source.
internal procession
the human internal processions of intellect and will are analogous to the divine processions of generation and spiration. Analogous b/c man = the image of God (precisely in his intellect and will).
psychological analogy
Why can there only be 2 processions?
There are only 2 powers: intellectual, will
The Son proceeds by _______
The Holy Spirit proceeds by ________
attributing to one Divine Person an action or characteristic that belongs to all three persons in common in order to highlight something truly
theory of attribution
mutual indwelling (in Greek)
mutual indwelling (in Latin)