final exam review Flashcards
1st century movements of thought in relation to Christ
Adoptionism - Ebionites
2-3rd century movements of thought in relation to Christ
Theodotus of Byzantium
Paul of Samosata
Lucian of Antioch
what is the Tertullian definition of person?
rational individual
what is the Tertullian definition of nature?
principle (source) of operation and activity
Nicean creed in 325 AD defined…
1. Christ is __________ with the Father (ie He is truly _____ in the _____ sense)
2. The second divine Person proceeds fromt he first by __________ (_______________); _____ not metaphorical Son
homoousios, God, full
true generation (an eternal begetting); literal
Summary of the Nicene Dogma: ___________________
Jesus Christ is truly God the Son
Problem: “homo” – “same”:
a. similar (“homoi”)
b. numerically identical (“one and the same”)
Resolution: homoousios = ___________________________
the Father and Son have “one and the
same” (i.e., numerically identical) divine nature
What was Apollonaris’s (mistaken) conclusion?
There is only one nature in Christ (protomonophysitism)
This one nature is divine according to Apollonaris
What was Apollonaris assertion?
Jesus lacks a human nature and will
Therefore, Jesus is the divine Logos who assumed human flesh
(sarx) and a non-rational soul (like an animal soul)
Apollinaris was __________ by Pope St. Damasus, Roman Synod (377 AD)
-His decision was ratified by the Synods of Alexandria (378 AD), Antioch (379 AD), and by the
Ecumenical Council of Constantinople I (381 AD).
what types of metaphysical unions are there?
Accidental union
A. _____________ united to a _________
B. _____________________ united by a ________
A. an accident united to a substance
B. two or more substances united by a shared accident
Substantial union: ____________________-
essential parts united to form a whole substance
Hypostatic union: __________________
Natures united in one individual (or person)
Apollinarius thought the Logos partook in a _______ type of union
Nestorius thought the Logos partook in a _______ type of union
accidental (second kind–two or more substances united by a shared accident)
What is the Christological question?
-How was the Word, truly God, also a man?
-What kind of union is there in Christ between his divine and human nature?
Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-428 AD) thought the _________________________
The Logos dwelt in the human person Jesus as in a temple
_____________________ thought The Logos dwelt in the human person Jesus as in a temple
Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-428 AD)
St. Cyril of Alexandria uses the word “physis” to mean ____________
person (don’t be confused)
For Cyril, the humanity of Christ is not an individual
independent of the Logos; rather, his humanity is ___________________________
drawn into the pre-
existing eternal individuality of the Logos.
5 Summary points from the council of Ephesus’ 12 anathemas
- Christ is only one subject (hypostasis): God the Son
- “Theotokos”: Mary is truly the Mother of God
- Christ’s flesh in the Eucharist is life-giving
- Christ is to be worshiped with one adoration: Iatria
- Communication of Idioms: both the divine and human actions of Christ are to be attributed to the Person of the Logos
Christ is to be worshiped with one adoration: __________
Summary phrase from Council of Ephesus
Jesus Christ is indivisibly one Divine person in both natures (divine and human)
Summary of Constantinople I (in its affirmation of Appolinaris’ condemnation):
Jesus Christ is (i.e., completely and fully) human.
Summary of Nicea:
Jesus Christ is truly God the Son
true/false: Jesus is not a human person but truly a human
Jesus is an individual, but not a human individual but a divine individual
For St. Cyril, what makes one rational?
intellect and will
For St. Cyril, what makes one individual?
incommunicability (Greek –> something idiomatic)
For humans: x (“this” body)
For God: subsistent relations
Eutyches was one who also believed in ________
monophysitism (there was one nature in Christ), Christ’s nature is different than ours
He misunderstood St. Cyril’s assertions
monophysitism states that ____________
(there was one nature in Christ)
The “Tome of Leo” (Pope Leo the Great, letter 28):
- Jesus Christ is one Person, God the Son
- Two natures, divine and human, exist in that Person without confusion or mixture
- Each nature has its own powers and operations even though these are not exercised independently of each other or of the union
- Affirmation of the communication of idioms
Pope Leo the Great asserts against _______ that the human nature is not _________ with divine nature (they are ________)
Eutyches, mixed/confused, distinct
Summary of Chalcedon:
There are two DISTINCT but united natures,
human and divine, in the one Person of God the Logos.
what does the heresy of monothelism assert?
There’s only one will in Christ, the divine will.
What is St. Thomas Aquinas’ overall thesis regarding the Christological question?
The union of the Incarnation took place in the Person of God the Logos.
Summa Question: A1: “Whether the union of the Incarnate Word took place in the
No, nature = the essence
Eutchyes thought the Logos was a ________. This was incorrect
mixture of substances (no)
Summa Question: A2: “Whether the union of Incarnate Word took place in the Person?”
Yes, Nature = essence, what a thing is
Suppositum = ___________
concrete individual, a “who”
According to St. Thomas, “The nature and the suppositum __________.”
really differ
Summa Question: A3: “Whether the union of the Word Incarnate took place
in the suppositum or hypostasis?
Summa Question A4: “Whether after Incarnation the Person or
Hypostasis of Christ is composite?”
No and yes, but in different respects.
No: Simply speaking, the Person of Christ is God the Son, the Word.
Yes: Insofar as the Person of God the Son subsists in two natures, it can be said – with caution – that He is a “composite person” because (after the Incarnation) He subsists in two natures: Divine and human.
It is a heresy to say that there are ____ hypostases or supposita in Christ.
There is only one (hypostasis, suppositum, or person) in Christ: God the Son
Summa Question: A5: “Whether in Christ there is any union of soul and
Yes, because He is true man, which requires that the human soul be the form of the body
Summa Question A6: “Whether the human nature was united to the Word of
God accidentally?”
Summa Question A6: _______________ destroy both natures by asserting a mixture or combination of both
Apollinaris and Eutyches
Summa Question A6: _______ divides Christ into two persons
Summa Question A6: _________: two complete and unmixed
natures united – not separated – in one Divine Person. (the ____ between Nestorius and Apollinaris/Eutyches)
The Church, mean (middle)
how we are estranged from God by the will
subject to malice
how we are estranged from God by the intellect
subject to ignorance and error
how we are estranged from God by the soul
conceived without supernatural grace
why can’t we forgive ourselves?
- the nature of forgiveness
- the power to have supernatural life
Thus, we need a Mediator
the hypostatic union = the _________ ground of Christ’s _________________
metaphysical, salvific mediation
How is Christ the Way?
Kingly (pastoral) office
How is Christ the Truth?
Prophetic (teaching) office
How is Christ the Life?
Priestly office
What are Christ’s 3 offices?
Kingly (Pastoral)
Prophetic (Teaching)
What are the 3 ways that Christ exercises His kingship?
By governing: legislative, judicial, executive
two types of Christ’s human knowledge
acquired, infused
Acts of Christ as priest
Acts of Christ as prophet
teaching (words and deeds)
Acts of Christ as King
Features of Christ’s priesthood
- Called by God the Father
- Melchizedekian
- Perfect priest and victim
_________ makes Christ the mediator (priest)
the hypostatic union
It is by ___________ that he merits salvation for us; and he
sanctifies us (as priest) by his ____________ both come to Christ in virtue of the hypostatic union
habitual grace, capital grace
1. involves participation in the _________
2. confers divine _________
3. makes one ________ to God
divine nature
In His divinity, Christ is _____________; in His humanity, Christ’s holiness is constituted by a _________
infinitely holy, triple grace (grace of union, habitual grace, capital grace)
what all is involved in a triple grace?
grace of union, habitual grace, capital grace
The hypostatic union viewed as a gift of grace to the humanity of Jesus.
Grace of union
The essential modification of the human soul by which one possesses a real, metaphysical share in the divine nature.
By this gift, one’s nature, powers, and acts are elevated to the supernatural
habitual grace (in us, this is sanctifying grace)
Habitual grace in Christ is ___________ in us
sanctifying grace
The grace by which Jesus Christ, in His
humanity, is the Supernatural Head of the human race.
capital grace
By _____________ Christ is the source and cause of all graces men receive
capital grace
By Christ’s death, the hypostatic union (was/was not) dissolved
was not
__________ is the center point of apostolic teaching
resurrection of Christ
Christ’s ascension is an ___________ of our salvation
efficient cause
Council of Nicea puts down: ____________
Constantinople is in response to _______________
affirmation of Apollinaris’ condemnation
__________ names of each nature must be predicated of
each other and must not be denied of each other
_________ names of the natures must not be predicated
of each other