Week 2: Health Assessment, General Survey, Mental Health Flashcards
Subjective data
- symptoms
- what the patient says about themselves
Objective data
- signs
- what the HCP observes upon physical examination
Four types of HAs
- Complete Health Assessment
a. Complete interview and full physical evaluation - Episodic of Problem Based Assessment
a. Limited or short-term problem, targeted toward a primary concerns - Follow-up assessment
- Emergency assessment
Subjective Assessment (7)
- Biographical data
- Reason for seeking care
- History of current illness
- Past medical histpry
- Family history
- Review of systems (head-to-toe)
- Functional Asessment (ADLs and IADLs)
Activity of daily living
E.g., bathing, dressing, eating, walking
Instrumental Activity of daily living
E.g., Housekeeping, food shopping, cooking, finances
P- Provokes Q- quality/quantity R- region/radiation S- severity T- timing U- understanding patient's perception A- associated factors A- alleviating factors A- aggravating factors
I - Inspection
P - Palpation
P - Percussion
A - Auscultation
Socio-cultural considerations of health assessment
- Dangers of “culturalism” (assume people behave in particular ways or have a particular ability because of their culture) racism, systemic racism
The General Survey
The overall impression or appearance of the client
Should occur each time you meet the client
Not a formal assessment, done very quickly
(spidey sense)
- Physcal Appearance (LOC, skin, face)
- Body structure (symmetry, position, posture)
- Mobility (gait, ROM)
- Behaviour (mood, speech, dress, hygiene)
Mental Health
a person’s emotional and cognitive well-being
Mental Illness
can take many forms, affects mood, thinking, behaviour, cause significant distress and impair one’s ability to function in every day life
Mental Health assessment
A- Appearance (general presentation)
B- Behaviour (speech, mood/affect)
C- Cognition (LOC, orientation (who and where they are, and what time), attention/concentration, memory, comprehension/reasoning)
T- Thinking (process- can I follow them? Content is this consistent and logical? Insight and judgement, perception- are they aware of reality? Attending to internal stimuli?