Week 2: H4, 5 en 8 Flashcards
Wat is het grootste seksuele orgaan?
de huid
gonads can become either testes or ovaries. On what does this depend?
In a global sense how do the gonads develop in to the ovaries or testes?
Wat zijn de twee seks organen bij mannen? wat zijn de drie seksorganen bij vrouwen?
Wat is de functie van endocrine bij de ontwikkeling van seksuele organen?
Hoe onstaat seksuele ontwikkeling tijdens de pubertijd op hormonaal niveau?
Hypothalamus (GnRH)–>pituitary (FSH + LH)
bij mannen stimuleren deze hormonen de testiekels om zaadcellen te gaan produceren en testosteron uit te scheiden
(hormonen hoef je niet te weten bij naam alleen hoe het werkt)
wat is de functie van hormoon FSH en wat van hormoon LH? beschrijf bij zowel mannen als vrouwen?
If we talk about sexual desire which four hormones cause excitement en which three cause inhibition?
what is important here?
the balance is key
how fast does a erection occure in: teenagers, adults until 30, adults up 30?
teenagers: can be by imagination
adults until 30: need some kind of touching sensation
adults up 30: need some kind of activity/stimulation
which three erections can we distinguish?
describe the five fases of a male erection
What is so special by the bloodsupply mechanisems of the penis and clitoris?
It is the only organen that can stop blood from going out (while erect). We still don’t completely understand how this works.
What are the five most important enemies of erection?
- smoking
- alcohol
- drugs
- stress
- obesity
What is the effect of dopamin and seretonin on ejaculation?
- dopamin–>to much can cause premature ejaculation
- seretonin–>to much can cause inhibition of ejaculation
which muscle controles the second fase of ejaculation?
bulbospongiosus muscle (part of the pelvic floor)
how many fases does the ejaculation are there?
two: the emmesion and explosion
what is the average time to ejaculate?
5 min
What are the three functions of the pelvic floor?
What can be an outcome of a to tight pelvic floor?
premature ejaculation
How is the pelvic floor involved in ejeculation?
name the parts of the vagina.
What is a hymenal string
condition where the vagina is not open or partly closed
what is the Mayer-rokitansky kuster hauser syndrome?
no vaginal entrance.
What is the turner syndrome? what are potential problems?
girls who only have one x chromosomes
What is androgen insensitivity syndrome?
Wat is Adrenogenital syndrome in women?
so internal female genitals, but external male genetals at birth.
the inner lips, the mons pubis, the vaginal opening and the outer lips. Together they are called…
the vulva
The perineum is the…
area between the anus and the vagina (or penis).
The hymen is….
a thin membrane that partly covers the opening of the vagina. It has some openings for menstrual fluid. It can be opened or stretched when the penis moves into the vagina. The hymen may be taken as a sign of virginity as it typically breaks when first having intercourse. However, a women without a hymen can still be a virgin, some girls are just born without.
There is worldwide controversy over female genital cutting. which three types are there?
- clitoridectomy; the partial or total removal of the glans of the clitoris (Type 1).
- Type 2 is the removal of the clitoris and inner lips.
- Type 3, is infibulation, in which the clitoris and all of the inner lips are removed, parts of the outer lips, and the edges of the outer lips are stitched together to cover the urethral and vaginal openings with only a small opening left for passage of urine and menstrual fluid.
during puperty Oestrogen is responsible for…
stopping the growth spurt in girls and causes the growth period to be shorter than in boys.
The menarche happens around the age of….. There are some factors that contribute to the age of the menarche. One is….. the hormone that determines the onset of puberty and rises with body fat.
- 12
- fat, leptin
The adrenal glands are also important in puberty. They produce…. It is also related to…..
- androgens that stimulate pubic -and axillary hair growth.
- female sex drive.
What are the four fases of the menstrual cycle?
- The follicular phase is when high levels of FSH are secreted. This causes an egg to get to the state of final maturity.
- The ovulation is when the mature egg is released by the follicle. stop production of FSH start of LH
- The luteal phase is when the follicle (caused by LH) turns into a corpus luteum.
- The menstruation is when the inner lining of the uterus is passed out through the vagina.
The excitement phase is the start of sexual arousal. Vasocongestion causes… the erection in males, it happens when the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum fill with blood.
What is the role of the spinal cord in sex?
- Spinal reflexes control erection and ejaculation.
- Erection works trough the erection centre which is the lowest part of the spinal cord.
What are aphrodisiacs and anaphrodisiacs?
An aphrodisiac is a substance used to increase sexual desire. An anaphrodisiac is a substance that diminishes sexual desire.