Week 2: Gender and sexuality and discrimination Flashcards
What is gender?
Intrinsic identity as a certain gender, male-female or other.
How that persons feels they identify as despite their biological characeristics
What is meant by a persons sex?
Biological characteristics, genetic X or Y chromosome, primary and secondary sexual characteristics
What are the different elements of the genderbread person?
Identity - the intrinsic belief a person has about what they think their gender should be
Sex - biological characteristics
Expression - behaviour shown in different environments, related to making people aware of our gender
Attraction - who/what gender we are sexually or romantically attracted to
What is meant by gender role?
Socially constructed stereotypical behaviour expected of someone with a certain identity.
Define bisexual
Someone who is attracted to their own gender and gender that are not their own
Define transgender
Someone who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth
What is meant by asexual and aromantic?
Asexual - no sexual desires
Aromantic - no romantic desires
What is meant by intersex?
When a person is born with a reproductive or secual system that does not fit the typical definitions of male or female
Define gender dyphoria?
A term to describe a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.
Define transexualism?
A desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex
Often accompanied by discomfort around ones anatomical sex and a wish to have intervention (surgery or hormones) to align ones biological sex wit their gender identity
What is gender incongruence of adolscence and adulthood?
Replaced previous term transexualism
Disagreeing with experienced gender and biological sex, often have a desire to transition to live and be accepted as experienced gender
Cannot be diagnosed before puberty
What is meant by transgender man and transgender woman?
Transgender man - identify as male, female at birth
Transgnder female - identify as female, assigned male at birth
What is meant by non-binary?
Someones whose gender identity isn’t exclusivley masculine or femine and therefore is outside of the gender binary
What are some different subgroups of non-binary?
Androgeny - masculine and femine qualities
Agender - no gender
Demigirl - mainly feminine but not fully
neutrosis - gender neutral
Gender fluid - gender changes
What is the prevalence of LGBTQIA+ in UK?
3.1% of over 16s identify as LGB in 2020
0.5% of people indicated their gender identity was different from their sex registered at birth (6% did not answer)
What is the referral pathway for a gender identity clinic in adults?
GP/self referall
Initiall appointment - five year wait list max
Second appointment - may request for GP to prescribe and monitor hormones - also a five year waiting list max
Follow up appointment - may request surgery
At the second or follow up may request psychology intervention, fertility preservation, hair removal, speech and language therapy
What are the different aspects of transitioning as a transgender person?
Social transition - name, pronouns, appearance - how they present socially
Medical transition - hormone treatment
Surgical transition - top (chest) or bottom (genitals)
What hormone treatment is typically offered to transgender people?
Transgender female - oestrogen
Transgender male - testosterone
May alos be given GNRH analogue to deprive own biological hormones
How do transgender people tend to seek treatment?
10% no medical intervention
13% unsure of medical intervention
52% undergoing or undergone medical intervention
23% - awaiting intervention
What surgeries may a transgender male undergo?
Phalloplasty - construct a functional penis
Metoidiopathy - uses testosterone enlraged clitoris to a penis
Chest masculising surgery
What surgeries may a transgender female undergo?
Orchioectomy - remove testicals
Vaginoplasty -
Breast implanation
What are the mental health statistics surrounding LGBT people?
More likley to experience a mental health problem
52% - depression in the last year
13% - attempted to take their own life
46% trans and 31% non trans but LGBT have thought about taking their own life but not acted on it
What is the minority stress theory?
Individuals in minority groups experience increased stress which predisposes them to mental health conditions
Minority status can lead to external minorty stress ( experience based from harassment, rejection and pressure from society) and internal minortiy stress which is often caused by external stressor (difficult internalised thoughts, dysmoprhia etc) this increases the risk of poor mental wellbeing
Also struggle to access social and individual resources to combat mental health - worse outcomes
Having a minorty circumsatance/status BAME - more associated with external
Minorty identity _LGBTQ is more associated with internal
What is intersectionality in terms of discrimination in minortiy groups?
Belong to multiple different minority groups
Feel like they experience discrimination in one group for being in the other
Harder to find sense of belonging
What is meant by heterosexism?
System of attitudes, bias and discrimination in favour of opposite sec relationships
Asking a girl for her boyfriends name when she has a partner
What is meant by cissexism?
System of attitudes, bias and discrimination in favour of the cisgender identity
Male and female bathrooms
What is meant by coming out in the LGBTQ sense?
Telling someone something that is not automically assumed, not the social majority
E.g minorty sexual orientation or gender identity
What is homophobia or transpphobia?
Irrational fear/aversion or discrimination against homosexual or transgender people.
How does transphobia/homphobia affect people?
Decreased life stasifaction
Avoided showing relationship status in public places in fear of violence
40% receive verbal or physical harassment on a monthly basis - many of which are not reported as it feels normal.
Minority may be subject to conversion therapy.
How does transphobia affect the ability of trans people to be themselves?
Two in five - attacked or threatened with violence in the last five years
Two thirds - discriminated against or harrassed
Over a third - avoid expressing their gender through physical appearance in fear of being harrassed
Almost three in four - avoid certain places in fear of being harrassed.
How does discrimination against LBTG present in healthcare?
13% experienced unequal treatment
23% witnesses discriminatory action or remarks by healthcare staff
14% have avoided treatment in fear of discrimination
How does cervical cancer show the difficulties of trans people in receiving health care?
Trnasgender male with a cervix - over female environment, terms such as vagina triggering, female waiting room or services - can feel uncomfortable presenting as a man
Transgender female - receive an invite to test that is not needed if they do not have a cervix
Letters sent based on gender on form ‘female’ this may not correlate to everyone who has a cervix (some males may have a cervix and some females may not) this can be complicated for patients to understand if they need a test or not, or dangerous to miss a test they need
Thoose who do not have penetrative sex may find the procedure uncomfortable and may need to request a smaller speculum - feel embarassed.
What can make a trans person more comfortable during a smear test?
Ensure using correct name and pronouns
Introduce yourself and your pronouns
Ask the patient what language they would like you to use if reference to their genitals
Clear explanation of what they are doing
Consider appointments early or later in the day when waiting times may be smaller
Gender neutral promotion materials and spaces in clinics