Week 2 Ethical Principles and Doctrines Flashcards
The ethical principle of beneficence is based on which ethical approach?
The ethical principle of non-maleficence is based on which ethical approach?
Define “veracity”
To tell the truth
Define “fidelity”
To keep your word and uphold duty of care. Loyalty, fairness, advocacy and dedication.
List the four ethical principles
What is the prima facie principle?
A term introduced by the English philosopher W D Ross, means that the principle is binding unless it conflicts with another moral principle - if it does we have to choose between them.
What must one be “ought to do” to uphold the principle of beneficence?
One ought to prevent evil or harm.
One ought to remove evil or harm.
One ought to do or promote good.
What are some acts of beneficence?
mercy, altruism, empathy, charity, kindness
What are the rules of beneficence?
Promote and defend the rights of others Remove harm occurring to others Remove conditions that will cause harm to others Help people with disabilities Rescue a person in danger
Define “specific beneficence”
Directed to specific parties such as children, friends and patients
Define “general beneficence”
Goes beyond these relationships. This obligation is more controversial and can be demanding or generate philosophical debate
Define “obligatory beneficence”
The obligation of health professionals to act for the benefit of others when in a position to do so.
What does “Primum non nocere” mean?
First (or above all), do no harm
Which ethical principle is primum non nocere associated with?
How is non-maleficence reflected in healthcare?
A person who is treated by a health practitioner should not be worse off as a result of their treatment than when they initially presented.
What is the hippocratic oath?
It requires a new physician to swear upon a number of healing gods that he will uphold a number of professional ethical standards.
What are some aspects of what constitute harm?
Harm may include injury, injustice or a violation of rights.
Harm to one person may not mean harm to another (each situation must be judged according to the circumstances.)
Harm may be physical, psychological or financial (or a combination of these).
Harm may be intentional or unintentional.
What are some rules on non-maleficence?
Do not kill Do not cause pain Do not incapacitate Do not cause offense Do not deprive others of the goods of life
Define “extraordinary care”
Extraordinary care is care whose provision involves a disproportionately great burden on the patient or community, and hence is not morally obligatory.
What is ordinary care?
Offers hope of benefit without excessive pain expense and inconvenience
What is the central difference between optional and obligatory treatment?
Obligatory is wrong to treat or not to treat, optional treat is not mandatory. Needs to be based on the analysis of quality of life.
What is the doctrine of double effect?
When there are two effects of treatment- one good and one bad- but the good over rides the bad effect.
Does intention matter when it comes to the doctrine of double effect?
Yes, intention of the act must be to do good- the bad effect, although foreseen is unintended
What is medical futility?
Any treatment that, within a reasonable degree of medical certainty, is seen to be without benefit to the patient.
When is allowing someone to die justified?
Treatment is futile.
Refusal of treatment by patient or surrogate.
No evidence of negligence or breach of duty to the patient.
What is passive euthanasia?
withdrawing or withholding treatment and death is the result. Illegal unless patient refuses treatment.
What are some arguments against euthanasia?
People in severe pain are not capable of making rational decisions.
May lead to involuntary euthanasia.
Minority groups may be disadvantaged.
Define autonomy as a principle
Self governance
Liberty and rights; privacy; individual choice; being one’s own person; deciding and causing one’s own thoughts and behaviour.
That is, freedom of choice within legal, social and moral constraints