Week 1 Notes Flashcards
What is the other name for utilitarianism?
Also known as consequentialism
Who developed utilitarianism as we know it today?
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill
What is the utilitarian approach?
The approach to morality implies that no moral act is intrinsically right or wrong. It states the rightness or wrongness of an actin solely a matter of the overall non-moral good (eg., pleasure, happiness, health, knowledge, or satisfaction of individual desire) produced in the consequences of doing that act or following that rule.
What is the main problem with utilitarianism?
It can be used to justify immoral things.
What is deontology?
Deontological ethics is in keeping with natural moral law and intuitions from common sense.
What is the etymology of the word “deontological”?
It is Greek, coming from the word “deon” meaning binding duty.
Does utilitarianism believe morality is instrumental or intrinsic?
Does deontology believe morality is instrumental or intrinsic?
Where does the word ethics come from?
The Greek word ethos meaning character, customs or habitual usage
Name some things that ethics are based on
Intuition Codes of practice, policies Medical authority Professional etiquette Law Religion Public opinion
Who started ethics?
What is ontology?
A brand of metaphysics that focuses on the nature of being
Define “absolutism”
Leaves little room for grey areas, believes strongly in one thing or another.
Define “relativisim”
The belief that morality is inherent to the social context of the surroundings. That it is relative and not absolute.
Define “proportionalism”
Asserts that one can determine the right course of action by weighing up the good and the necessary evil caused by the action. As a result, proportionalism aims to choose the lesser of evils.