week 2 Doing Social Psychology Flashcards
A well-defined, testable prediction.
An organised set of principles used to explain observed phenomena.
Basic research
has goal of increasing understanding, often by testing a hypothesis, which is based on a theory.
Applied research
has the goal of increasing understanding AND to find practical solutions to problems
Conceptual variable
when first trying to develop an hypothesis,the variables are vague and abstract, and “just concepts”.
Operational definition
to be tested, a conceptual variable must be precisely defined in terms of how it shall be manipulated or measured, and how it is to be defined.
Construct validity
degree to which the measures or manipulations utilised, do in fact measure or manipulate what they are supposed to.
Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale
a particular self-report scale of self esteem. Considered to have good construct validity.
Bogus Pipeline Technique
Where participants are told their lies will be infallibly detected by a machine (this is false) and it causes the participants to give answers they may have otherwise preferred not to
self report questionaire
may be inaccurate due to inacuuracy of recall, bias of recall, trying to present as socially acceptable, may get different responses if wording or order of questions is altered, etc etc,
interval-contingent self report
respondent reports on experience regularly, eg. daily. In an effort to reduce time lapsed since remembered event , so hopefully report is more accurate
signal-contingent self report
respondent responds when signalled eg via sms
event-contingent self report
respondent reports asap after a pre-determined event, has occurred.
inter-rater reliability
degree to which multiple observers rate an event the same
eye-tracking technology
allows tracking of where in a scene participant looks and for how long