Week 2 - Cinema and Social Critique: the Silver Screen as Mirror Flashcards
Paths of Glory about
Trench Warfare
Special shots in PoG
Moving shots PREDATE steadicam (i.e. trench war tracking shots)
Paths of Glory based on
Actual WWII story
French in PoG
They were called out in the film
French reaction to PoG
They were disgusted by it
French army man in charge of leading done for betterment/glory of generals
Kubrick uses ________
deep focus lens, everything in focus
Extremes of PoG
Order Firing on their own men, order request denied by by captain russo
PoG casualties
Structure of PoG battle
If your number went up you went to front of firing squad
Charlie Chaplin masterpiece
modern times
beginning of modern times
herd of animals and then people on way to work
herds of modern times like what film
what genre is mod. times almost? ex?
scifi, electronic survaillance
what type of comedy was modern times? +ex.
satire, feeding machines
red flag associated with
Love interest in Mod Times also
End of Mod Times
Chaplin & gf head out together “let’s try” attitude, HOPEFUL
The Asphalt Jungle by
john huston
AJ views on crime _________
idea of the other in asphalt jungle
something is wrong with the other & its NOT normal
(AJ) ________ in 50s
normalcy was VERY important
AJ, “OTHER” in real life
Asphalt Jungle style
film gris
film gris
more realistic, deals with social problems
characters in AJ
REAL human beings not ONLY criminals