Week 2 Anatomy Words Flashcards
Basal ganglia:
additional masses of grey matter. Comprises of multiple subcortical nuclei. The lie deep inside the hemispere and lateral to the internal capsule. Main components are the dorsal striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen), ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle), globus pallidus, ventral pallidum, substatia nigra and subthalmic nucleus.
Dorsal/corpus striatum
The putamen and caudate nucleus together form the dorsal striatum. It is also one of the structures that comprises the basal ganglia.
Caudate nucleus:
One of the structures that makes up the dorsal (corpus) striatum. The other is the putamen. It is found just underneath the lateral ventricles. It has a motor function and has a role with Parkinson’s disease.
Internal capsule
A large white matter tract which separates the putamen and globus pallidus from the caudate nucleus and thalamus. It has 2 limbs, the anterior and posterior limbs.
Globus pallidus
Sub-cortical structure of the brain. Major component of the basal ganglia. It is part of the lentiform nucleus – it is the inner paler part. Globus – round. Pallidus – pale.
One of the components of the lentiform plexus. It is the outer part.
Lentiform nucleus
Comprises of the putamen and the globus pallidus within the basal ganglia. It is a large, cone shaped mass of grey matter just lateral to the internal capsule
Substantia niagra:
A brain structure located in the midbrain. It has a role in reward and movement.
Cerebellar peduncles:
The part of the cerebellum that connects the cerebellum to the brain stem. There are 6 in total – superior, middle and inferior
Cerebral peduncle:
Structures at the front of the midbrain which arise from the front of the pons and contain the large ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) nerve tracts that run to and from the cerebrum from the pons. Usually refers to the whole of the ventral midbrain, on either side, excluding the tectum.
Corpus callosum:
cALLosum – connects all of the brain together (well, the 2 hemispheres together!). It is a broad band of nerve fibres joining the 2 hemispheres of the brain.
Deep nuclei of cerebellum:
The cerebellum has 4 deep nuclei embedded in white matter in it’s centre. The nuclei are the dentate, emboliform, globose and fastigii.
Dendate nucleus:
A cluster of neurons, that has a tooth-like (dendate) serrated edge. It is located within the cerebellum and it is the largest single structure linking the cerebellum to the rest of the brain. It is responsible for planning, initiation and control of voluntary movements.
Vermis of the cerebellum
The thing that connects the 2 hemispheres of the cerebellum.
Substantia gelatinosa:
The apex of the dorsal horn. It contains both neuroglia and small nerve cells and appears gelatinous due to a very low concentration of myelinated fibres. It receives collaterals of the smallest diameter – myelinated and unmyelinated afferents which are associated with nociception.
Periaqueductal grey matter:
The grey matter located around the cerebral aqueduct within the tegmentum of the midbrain.