Week 2: Adolescent Health History and Preparticipation Sports Physical Flashcards
What is different about interviewing an adolescent? (2)
(1) Rapid/variable cognitive and moral development
(2) Psychosocial issues of adolescence
Why interview adolescents about psychosocial issues?
The patient interview – “ a conversation with a purpose” (Bickley)
Establish a trusting and supportive relationship
Gather information
Offer information
Health promotion and counseling central to well adolescent care
Teens most want to discuss what 3 things?
drugs, smoking, healthy dietary habits
___% of teens engaging in risky behaviors have not spoken to provider about them
3 Leading causes of death for adolescents:
- accidents (MVA)
- murder
- suicide
- cancer
Why is the adolescent psycho-social screen confidential? (4)
- Mature minor (common law)
- Constitutional right to privacy
- Ethical principle of autonomy
- Utilitarian approach – importance of disclosure of sensitive information
Adolescent Consent/Privacy Rights in California
Right to consent = right to privacy
Teens control medical records to services for which they can consent
This is NOT true in every state
in CA, children and teens may consent to:
Any services related to pregnancy, including prenatal care and abortion
There is no lower age limit in California law for these services
In CA, at age 12, a teen can consent to:
- STD testing and treatment, including HIV
- Exam, treatment for sexual assault
- Discussions, counseling re drug use
- Mental health services
Remember: Parental or court consent required for any psychiatric medications for anyone under 18
Parental or court consent required for hospitalization, some exceptions for emergencies
In CA, parental or court consent is required for any psychiatric medications for anyone under
Emancipated Minor
- Legally married
- Armed services
- Legal income and legal emancipation
Mature Minor
- Living apart with or w/o permission
- Managing own affairs in any way, income from any source
Limits to Confidentiality (3 major)
- Teen states intention to harm self (must inform parents/guardians)
- Teen states intention to harm someone else (must inform victim/call police)
- Teen discloses physical/sexual abuse/neglect (mandatory CPS report)
Late developers may have temporary popularity/esteem issues, but generally there is a ___ effect
Early developers have ___ interest in risk-taking behaviors with ___ impulse control
increased risk taking
decreased impulse control
Strengths School Home Activities Drugs/substance use Emotions/Depression Sexuality Safety
Home Education/employment Activities Drugs/diet Sexual Activity/Abuse Suicidal ideation/depression Safety
Points to remember about interviewing the early adolescent (10-14)
- May never have been interviewed without a parent before
- May not know crucial elements of own medical history
- May never have been asked about confidential issues, such as drug use or sexuality
- May need to ease into questions
- VERY present-oriented
- Limited independence, limited skills at self-care
Points to remember about interviewing the middle adolescent (14-16)
- Still relatively concrete, may not have been asked independent/confidential questions before
- May have more experience with confidential questions
Increasing ability to remember details of own history, make and carry out plans - May have some independent skills (taking bus, filling prescription, making own purchases)
Points to remember about interviewing the late adolescent (16-23)
- Cognitively similar to adults in ability to understand, answer questions, make plans
- Brain development not yet complete, differences in reward centers, impact of emotions on frontal lobe
- Less experience, much less familiarity with medical jargon, may not understand euphemisms
- More familiarity with adolescent risks, even if not engaging in them: can ask more directly
How are teens different than adults in terms of drugs/alcohol/tobacco? (2 key points)
- Binge use more common than daily use in teens
- Remorse about use less common than in adults, even with significant overuse