Cardiac Flashcards
upper chambers of heart
low pressure receiving chambers
lower chambers of the heart
high pressure pumping chambers
The ___ receives deoxygenated blood from the body
right atrium
The ___ pumps deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs to become oxygenated
right ventricle
The ___ receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
left atrium
The ___ pumps oxygenated blood from the lungs out the aorta and into the body
left ventricle
Functional closure of the PDA occurs at
48-72 hours after birth
Complete closure of the PDA occurs at
2-3 weeks
Heart forms in the fetus by the ___ week after conception
By day ___ of conception the heart begins to beat
Heart formation in the fetus is complete by the ___ week after conception
AV valves, location
tricuspid valve (on the right) mitral valve (on the left)
Semilunar valves, location
pulmonic valve (at the base of the pulmonary artery between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery)
aortic valve (base of the aorta between the aorta and the left ventricle)
Infants with CHD may have tachypnea and tachycardia but typically do not present in ____ unless there is a significant increase in pulmonary blood flow or poor systemic output with acidosis
respiratory distress
___ are usually normal with CHD except for color if cyanotic
Apgar scores
Symptoms of ___ usually occur with feeding because of increased oxygen consumption and need for greater cardiac output
Blood pressure in infants should be taken where?
In all four extremities
At minimum in the right arm and in one leg to detect COA
In children, simultaneous palpation of which 2 pulses is important in assessing whether a coarctation is present?
Radial and femoral
What might pallor in an infant indicate?
Children with cyanotic heart disease will appear blue/ruddy particularly around what area?
Perioral area
b/c of right-to-left shunting of blood at arterial level
___ occurs when arterial desaturation has been present for at least 6 months of longer
A pulse that’s absent or weaker in the lower extremities compared to the upper extremities is diagnostic of what condition?
Normal liver size
1 to 2cm below the right costal margin
In conditions of abnormal cardiac position, where is the liver edge?
Midline or on the left side of the abdomen
Where is PMI normally palpated? What about in infants and newborns?
apex in the left mid-clavicular line
left lower sternal border (infants/newborns)
S1 is created by the closure of what two valves? Where is it best heard?
closure of tricuspid and mitral
best at LLSB or apex
S2 is created by the closure of what two valves? Where is it best heard?
aortic and pulmonic
left upper sternal border
The origin of a murmur is usually found at what point?
Where it’s heard the loudest
___ due to cardiac cause is rare, occurring in less than 4% of cases
Chest pain
Where is PMI in infants?
4th intercostal space
Where is PMI in children over 7?
5th intercostal space
large, laterally displaced PMI would indicate
Thrills are best assessed with what part of the hand?
supine (not fingertips)
Carotid thrill indicates what condition?
aortic stenosis
Surpasternal notch thrill could be an indication for what 3 conditions?
Aortic stenosis, PDA, coarctation
RUSB (right upper sternal border) thrill indicates what condition?
Aortic stenosis
LUSB thrill indicates what condition?
Pulmonary stenosis