Week 2 Flashcards
Scapulohumeral Rhythm Phase 1
60deg GH motion, 30deg scapular motion (25 SC & 5 AC)
Scapulohumeral Rhythm Phase 2
60deg GH motion, 30deg scapular motion (25 AC & 5 SC)
Muscles of shoulder flexion and corresponding movement of scapula
Ant deltoid, pec major clavicular, corocobrachialis. Upward rotation and ABduction of scapula
Muscles of shoulder extension and corresponding movement of scapula
Pec major sternal, post deltoid, lats, teres major. Downward rotation and adduction of scapula
Muscles of shoulder hyper-extension and corresponding movement of scapula
Post deltoid, lats, teres major. Downward rotation, adduction, elevation, upward tilt
Muscles of shoulder ABduction and corresponding movement of scapula
Middle deltoid, supraspinatus. Upward rotation of scapula
Muscles of shoulder adduction and corresponding movement of scapula
Pec major sternal, lats, teres major. Downward rotation of scapula
Muscles of shoulder external rotation and corresponding movement of scapula
Infraspinatus and teres minor. Adduction of scapula
Muscles of shoulder internal rotation and corresponding movement of scapula
Subscapularis, lats, teres major. ABduction of scapula
Muscles of horizontal adduction of shoulder and corresponding movement of scapula
Ant deltoid, pec major clavicular, pec major sternal, coracobrachialis. ABduction of scapula
Muscles of horizontal aBduction of shoulder and corresponding movement of scapula
Mid deltoid, post deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor. Adduction of scapula