Week 2 Flashcards
What is spina bifida occulta (SPO)?
Failure of fusion of the two posterior arch ossification centers producing a midline defect
Occult means?
Hidden, small hidden
What can not be seen on xray with spina bifida occulta?
Can not see the spinal laminar junction
What are some associated conditions w/ SPO
Posterior disc herniation, and association w/ isthmic spondylolisthesis
What is anterior arch agenesis?
Absence of D-shaped anterior arch on lateral cervical film (rare)
For stability b/t C1/C2 w/ anterior arch agenesis we need what?
An intact dens, anterior arch, lateral masses and transverse processes, don’t really need a posterior arch
How do we test for hypermobility w/ anterior arch agenesis?
Perform flex/ext study to screen hypermobility
What is posterior arch agenesis?
Lack of cartilage template (partial or complete) for absence of a posterior arch
What happens to the anterior arch and C2 w/ posterior arch agenesis?
Hypertrophy and sclerosis of anterior arch and megaspinous of C2
What is a posterior ponticle?
Partial or complete ossification of the oblique portion of the atlanto-occipital membrane
What does the posterior ponticle/arcuate foramen contain?
Vertebral artery and 1st cervical nerve
How common is a posterior ponticle?
15% of the pop.
Is a posterior ponticle more common uni or bilaterally?
What are some other names for posterior ponticle?
Arcuate foramen, Kimmerly anomaly, ponticulus posticus
What might the posterior ponticle do to the nerves?
May compress and traction
Down’s syndrome?
Trisomy 21, 1 in 600 births
What can Down’s syndrome lead to?
Atlanto-axial instability due to lax transverse ligament
What % of Down’s syndrome patients are born w/out transverse ligaments?
What are Down’s syndrome patients prone to?
Cervical spondylosis and myelopathy
What increased space is seen in Down’s syndrome patients?
Increased atlanto-dental interspace (ADI) flexion lateral view
What is Ossiculum Terminale/Persistens of Bergman?
Non-fusion of secondary growth center of dens, separate ossicles in patients over 12 y/o
What is Os Odontoideum?
Two halves of the odontoid unite do not fuse to C2, probably due to old fracture w/ non-union
Is the transverse ligament usually intact or not intact w/ Os ondontoideum?
What is the exception for dx before 5 y/o w/ Os Odontoideum?
Hypermobility of the dens is demonstrated
What type of translation is seen w/ Os Odontoideum?
Sagittal translation, see if masses of C1 slide over C2
What is hypoplastic/ageneic odontoid?
The odontoid halves do not develop fully or at all (extremely rare), possible surgery
What is a block vertebra/synostosis?
Non-segmentation of two adjacent segments
What is the appearance of block vertebra/synostosis?
Wasp wasted appearance of AP diameter where two levels were joined together
What are some complications of block vertebra?
Premature DJD at adjacent levels, laxity at adjacent levels d/t increased stresses
Where in the neck is block vertebra/synostosis the most common at?
C2/C3 and C5/C6
Where in the lumbar is block vertebra/synostosis the most common?
Radiographs showing block vertebra/synostosis what becomes no longer visible?
Discs and roughened endplates
What is Klippel-Feil Syndrome?
Multiple block vertebra, SBO, scoliosis, Sprengel’s deformity, platybasia