Week 2-3 - Qi, Blood & Fluid Pattern ID Flashcards
Qi, Blood, and Fluid Pattern ID is mostly concerned with what pathologies?
deficiency and stagnation
Describe pathologies of Qi
Describe pathologies of Blood
Bleeding can be caused by _________. Indicate systemic pathologies and local pathologies
Qi deficiency - systemic
Excess Heat - systemic
Blood stasis - local
Trauma - local
Describe pathologies of body fluids
Fluid deficiency
Describe fluid deficiency
internal dryness - constipation
usually in elderly
Rheum is often associated w/ what symptom?
Phlegm is categorized as either ______ or ______. Describe each type
visible - expelled/expectorated phlegm, masses, tumors, cysts
invisible - misting HT orifices - psychosis, coma, stroke - phlegm blocking channels in head
List causes of Qi deficiency and give examples
dietary impropriety - SP taxed when food is raw
- eating food that has lost qi after harvesting
- SP taxed when meals are irregular
- poor mental state while eating
taxation fatigue - excessive behavior depletes qi
How does Qi deficiency present in the pulse and tongue?
weak pulse
pale, swollen tongue, toothmarked, thin white coat
How does Qi deficiency present in the upper jiao?
soft, weak voice; spontaneous sweat; aversion to wind; frequent colds/flu/respiratory infections; weak, dry cough; shortness of breath; palpitations
How does Qi deficiency present in the middle jiao?
indigestion; bloating, distention after eating; poor appetite; tendency towards loose stool/diarrhea; possibly blood/pus in stool
How does Qi deficiency present in the lower jiao?
weak, sore low back/knees; frequent urination; urinary dribbling; incontinence; urinary blockage; premature ejaculation; spontaneous emissions; spontaneous/threatened miscarriage; excessive vaginal discharge
How does Qi deficiency affect menses?
shorter cycle - qi fails to hold blood in Chong Mai
longer menstrual bleeding > 7 days
Qi stagnation can be sub-divided into ______
systemic Qi stagnation - LV Qi stagnation
local Qi stagnation - pain mainly caused by trauma
List external and internal causes of systemic Qi stagnation
external - alcohol abuse, narcotics, statin drugs, excessive caffeine, greasy foods
internal - anger, stress, emotional upset
How does Qi stagnation present in the pulse and tongue?
wiry pulse
red tongue, peeled along the sides
How does Qi stagnation present?
headaches (temporal, crown @ Du 20); tension headache; tension/stiffness in neck, shoulders; distention/discomfort in ribside; tight chest; breast distention; plum pit qi; digestive issues triggered by stress - ST pain, nausea, acid reflux; SP - diarrhea, alternating constipation/diarrhea;
urinary hesitancy; PMS; insomnia; depression/anxiety
Qi collapse is caused by _______
longstanding severe Qi deficiency
How does Qi collapse present in the pulse and tongue?
very weak pulse
very pale, very swollen tongue, toothmarked
How does Qi collapse present?
fatigue, exhaustion; digestive issues - severe indigestion, bloating, distention; long-term chronic loose stool/diarrhea; other qi deficiency signs; one or more organs prolapsing (HT, ST, UB, uterus, hernia, vagina, anus)
List causes of blood deficiency
poor diet
taxation fatigue
chronic bleeding condition
history of febrile illness
Give examples of anemia that cause blood deficiency
excessive menstrual flow
peptic duodenal ulcers
Describe general blood deficiency signs/symptoms
dry, thin hair, loss of hair due to illness; dry skin; pale complexion; dry eyes; blurry vision; floaters; decline in visual acuity; impaired night vision; tight muscles; dry lips; dry mouth; thirst but no desire for cold
Describe the tongue and pulse in blood deficiency
thin pulse
pale, dry tongue
Describe signs/symptoms of HT blood deficiency
anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, insomnia - diffculty falling asleep, restless sleep, profuse, vivid dreaming
Describe menstruation in case of blood deficiency
long cycle > 33 days
short, scanty menstrual flow
headache, anxiety, eye twitch after period
Describe signs/symptoms of blood stasis
throbbing, boring severe pain, fixed location
varicose veins, spider angioma, fibroids
Describe pulse and tongue in blood stasis
choppy, rough pulse
purple tongue, dark distended SLV
Compare and contrast local and systemic bleeding
local - bleeding ulcer, gums; blood in stool
systemic - bruise easily, varied bleeding throughout body
Describe bleeding due to Qi deficiency
frequent bleeding, worse w/ fatigue, pale red blood
Describe bleeding due to heat
bright red bleeding, worse w/ heat, purple blood in severe heat
Describe bleeding due to stasis
ST ulcer - black, tarry stool