Week 13 - KD Diagnoses Flashcards
KD is the root of ____ for the whole body
Yin & Yang
KD Qi functions to astringe _________
urine, essence
List signs and symptoms of KD Qi Deficiency
fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, sore achy low back/knees, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emissions, spontaneous emissions, frequent urgent urination not copious, leakage, dribbling, night time urination, urinary hesitancy, excessive clear leukorrhea, threatend miscarriage
pulse - deep, weak
tongue - pale, swollen, thin white coat
Treatment principle for KD Qi deficiency is _______
strengthen KD, tonify Qi
Threatend miscarriage is often is sign of _______deficiency
List the KD pathologies
KD Qi Deficiency
KD Yang Deficiency
KD Yin Deficiency
KD Essence Deficiency
List signs and symptoms of KD Yin Deficiency
burning quality to low back/knee pain w/ visible inflammation, dark scanty infrequent urination/burning urination, high libido, premature ejaculation, dry clots in menses or heavy flow, hot flashes, night sweats, 4-5 center heat, mallor flush, dry eyes possible red/burning, thirst w/ desire for cold, anxiety/irritability typically worse at night, insomnia
pulse - deep, thin, rapid
tongue - red, thin yellow dry coat
List treatment principle for KD yin deficiency
Strengthen KD, nourish yin
List signs and symptoms of KD yang deficiency
painful low back/knee, relieved w/ warmth & pressure, frequent copious clear urination, cold hands & feet, cold low abdomen, cold low back, general sensation of cold, exhaustion, depression, no libido, erectile dysfunction, non-ovulatory infertility, amenorrhea, bone spurs, osteopenia, osteperosis, early morning diarrhea, undigested food in stool
pulse - deep, slow/tight (pain)
tongue - very pale, swollen, wet, thin white coat
Treatment principle for KD yang deficiency is ____
Strengthen KD, warm Yang
List signs and symptoms of KD essence deficiency
developmental delay, early dementia, prematurely gray hair, dryness w/o heat, hollow sensation in low back, reduced urinary output, infrequent scanty urine but not dark, infertility, dry mouth, dry throat, thirst but no desire for cold, dry hair, male pattern baldness, dry mucous membranes, long term memory loss
pulse - deep, thin
tongue - dry, cracked, thin dry fur
Treatment principle for KD essence deficiency is ____
Strengthen KD, nourish essence
What the types of Lin Syndrome?
Heat Lin Blood Lin Stone Lin Qi Lin Turbid Lin
Heat Lin is also known as _______ or ________. List signs and symptoms
excess heat in UB
KD Yin deficiency w/ fire
- scanty, infrequent, dark urine that burns, KD yin deficiency signs
Treatment principle for Heat Lin is ________
clear heat, drain fire from UB, promote urination
List signs and symptoms of Blood Lin
burning urination w/ presence of blood, bleeding gums, nose bleeds, bleeding ulcers, bruising, blood in stool, short menstrual cycle w/ long period, heavy period or bleeding and spotting at other times in cycle
pulse - very thin (loss of blood), scallion stalk, rapid
tongue - red, dry w/ thin yellow coat
Treatment principle for Blood Lin is ________
clear heat, drain fire from UB, stop bleeding and promote urination
Stones in TCM are form of ________
List signs and symptoms of Stone Lin
phlegm accumulation
severe pain, heavy head, limbs, body, excess mucous in nose, sinuses, throat, chest, no appetite or chronic low grade nausea, thirst w/o desire to drink, distending headaches, weak achy low back & knees, frequent or urgent urination, night time urination, clear leukorrhea, premature ejaculation
pulse - slippery, deep, weak
tongue - pale, swollen, greasy white fur
Treatment principle for Stone Lin is _________
Strengthen SP & KD, Transform Phlegm, Drain Damp, Soften Hardness, Promote Urination
The subtypes of Qi Lin are _______. List signs and symptoms for each
Qi Deficiency Lin - incomplete voiding of urine leading to increased frequency of urination, urinary dribbling, incontinence, weak achy low back/knees, night time urination, premature ejaculation
pulse - deep, weak
tongue - pale, swollen, thin white coat
Qi Stagnation Lin - nervous bladder syndrome, inability to urinate while stressed, stress, anger, irritability, LV type insomnia, tension headaches, ribside pain, PMS, irregular menstrual cycle, breast tenderness, stress related digestive complaints
pulse - wiry
tongue - red or yellow, peeled or pinched sides
Treatment principle for Qi Deficiency Lin is ________
for Qi Stagnation Lin is _______
Strengthen KD, tonify Qi, astringe & promote urine
Soothe LV, regulate Qi, promote urination
List signs and symptoms for Turbid Lin
cloudy, milky, foamy or excessively bubbly urine w/ foul or fishy odor, internal dampness symptoms, all worse w/ inactivity, high carb or cold, raw diet or in damp, humid weather
pulse - slippery
tongue - pale, swollen, wet w/ greasy white coat
Treatment principle for Turbid Lin is __________
strengthen SP to drain damp, dispel turbidity, promote urination