Week 2 Flashcards
Ethnic group/Ethnicity
share ancestry & often have similar national origins, religion, & language
A social (not a genetic) construct (concept)
People can change over time, New behavior depends partly on what has already happened
Psychoanalytic theory of development:
Freud Proposed five psychosexual stages during which sensual satisfaction is linked to developmental needs and conflicts
- Oral stage (birth to 12-18 months)
- Anal stage (12-18 months to 3 years)
- Phallic stage (inc. Oedipus & Electra complexes) (3 to 5-6 years)
- Latency (an interlude: 5-6 years to adolescence)
- Genital stage (adolescence to adulthood)
* Suggested that early conflict resolution determines personality patterns
* Each of the first three stages (1,2,3) is characterized by sexual pleasure centered on a particular part of the body
Behavioral theory of development
people learn through interaction with their environment, such as classical and operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
pavlov, Learning process: Learning occurs through association
Result: Neural stimulus becomes conditioned response (think abt dog salivation w bell)
Operant conditioning
Skinner: Learning process: Learning occurs through reinforcement and punishment.
Result: Weak or rare responses become strong and frequent—or unwanted responses become extinct.
A consequence (something added) that follows a behavior and makes the person (or animal) want to repeat, or to avoid, that behavior
Social learning theory
Humans learn from observing & imitating others (role models), even without reinforcement
- Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” experiment (early 1960s)
Cognitive theory
Jean Piaget
- How people think changes with maturation & experience
- How we think influences what we do
- Cognitive development occurs in four major, age-related, periods (stages)
- Intellectual advancement occurs because humans seek cognitive equilibrium (mental balance)
4 basic characteristics of lifespan perspective
multi-directional, multi-contextual, multi-cultural, and plastic
Erikson’s psychosocial theory
- trust vs mistrust 0-2
- autonomy vs doubt 2-4
- initiative vs guilt 4-5
- industry vs inferiority 5-12
- identity vs role confusion 12-19
- intimacy vs isolation 20-40 years
- generativity vs. stagnation 40-65
- integrity vs despair (65-death)
trust vs mistrust
“can i trust the world?”
with success, children trust the world and people who care for them. With failure, children have mistrust for the world and don’t believe others are dependable
Piaget’s 4 stages of development
- sensorimotor (0-2): object permanence is developed
- preoperational (2-6): conservation is developed, egocentrism
- concrete operational (6-11): logic attached to concrete situations
- formal operational (11+): hypothetical, counterfactual, abstract, and logical thinking. reasoning, strategy, and planning are possible.