Week 2 Flashcards
Rolling (5-14 mo)
1) 5-7 mo, rolls from prone to supine
2) 6-14 mo, rolls segmentally prone to supine and back (initiated by head, shoulder, or hip)
Crawling/Creeping (7-12 mo)
1) 7 mo, crawling starts “army crawl” and can assume quadruped on hands and knees
2) 7-10 mo, reciprocal creeping
3) 10-11 mo, bear crawling
4) 10-12 mo, creeping over and around objects
Sitting (5-18 mo)
1) 5-6 mo, begins to prop/support self sitting momentarily, increased BOS, protective extension to front emerges
2) 5-10 mo, sits alone steadily, plays in sitting
3) 6-11 mo, transitions from sitting to quadruped, prone to sitting independently
4) 8-11 mo, sits well alone without support, narrowed BOS, transitions between “W” sitting and side sitting
5) 9-18 mo, transitions from supine to sitting by rolling over, pushing to quadruped, then sitting through side sitting
(Variety is KEY)
Standing (3-13 mo)
1) 3-4 mo, head in midline, bears some weight on legs, wide BOS
2) 5-10 mo, decreased need for support in standing, may support self in standing and bouncing, wide BOS
3) 6-12 mo, pulls to standing at furniture
4) 8-9 mo, transitions to standing through half kneeling
5) 9-13 mo, transitions to standing without using arms, stands alone briefly
Walking (8-18 mo)
*8 mo: Cruises sideways with furniture/UE support
*8-18 mo: Walks with 2 hands held
*9-10 mo: Cruises around furniture, pivoting over LE
*9-17 mo: Takes independent steps (YAY!!!)
*10-14 mo: stoops and recovers in play (walking +1 mo)
*11 mo: Walks with one hand held, increased independent stepping in cruising
*18 mo: stepping strategy for balance recovery, more confident in walking, narrowed BOS (walking +6 months)
Stairs (8-20 mo)
*8-14 mo: Climbs up stairs on hands and knees
*15-16 mo: Walks up stairs holding on to railing
*17-18 mo: Walks down stairs holding on to railing
*12-20 mo: Crawls/creeps backward down stairs
What are gross motor skills to observe?
1) Sitting
2) Rolling
3) Standing
4) Crawling
5) Kneeling
6) Stairs
Reaching (3-7 mo)
*Reaching 3+-4 mo: Visually directed reaching
*Reaching ~4 mo: Radially directed reaching in sitting
*Reaching 5-6 mo: independent supination/pronation of forearm
*Reaching ~6-7 mo: Propped prone reaching, first on forearm, then on extended arm
Grasp (4-12 mo)
*Grasp ~4 mo: Able to grasp rattle if placed within ~3 inches of hand.
*Grasp ~3-7 mo: Able to hold small object in each hand
*Grasp ~4-6 mo: Hands are primarily open (grasp reflex integrates), able to grasp cube showing partial opposition.
*Grasp ~5-9: ulnar grasping used to rake/scoop object
*Grasp ~6-7: radial palmer grasp used for holding object
*Grasp~ 7-12: fine pincer grasps emerging, 8 mo: for lateral pincer, ~9 mo: inferior pincer used, 10 mo: pincer used, 12 mo: fine pincer used.
Label theses
1) Rake
2) inferior scissor grasp
3) scissor grasp
4) inferior pincer grasp
5) pincer grasp
6) fine pincer grasp
Social & emotional milestones (3-18 mo)
*3-5 mo: Secure attachment should form between child and consistent caregivers, smiles to get attention
*6-7 mo: Activity and response to familiar people increases, likes to play/look at themselves in mirror
*8-9 mo: Stranger danger emerges, looks when name is called
*10-11 mo:, performs for attention
*12 mo: Follows simple commands
*13-18 mo: peak separation distress/stranger danger
Piaget stage of play
Practice play begins here. 3 characteristics
*Autistic or unoccupied play: During this type of play the child plays with their own body or objects but without apparent purpose; they may lie, sit or walk around aimlessly. They may exhibit stereotyped behaviors such as mouthing toys, banging things, or shaking rattles.
*Onlooker Play: This is the lowest level of social play, basically the child just watches someone else play. They are interested in what is happening, but do not participate.
*The last stage of practice play is Solitary play. They play alone with a definite purpose/goal and ignore others in close proximity.
Vision (3 mo - 2 years)
*3 mo: binocular vision emerges
*Continues to develop over the next ~3 months
*4 mo: infants can detect facial changes (smile vs frown)
*6 mo: infant able to visually track object through midline
*Binocular vision continues to mature until a child is ~2 years old!
What are some fine motor skills to assess?
1) Reaching
2) Grasping
Language milestones
1) Sounds more varied than at a younger age
2) Vocables-specific sound patterns specific for that child, a word a child makes up for something, i.e. ‘baba’ for bottle, ‘mongo’ for grandma
3) The infant can follow simple commands if paired with a visual prompt and they begin to use gestures like pointing and waving bye.
4) Holophrases-1 word sentences that convey complete sentence, a child will say ‘milk’ for ‘I want milk’ or ‘‘go’’ for ‘I want to go’
5) The first true word usually emerges around 12 months of age and you generally see use of nouns first, then verbs.
Receptive language (3-18 mo)
*3 mo: quiets to voice; smiles to person talking/gesturing
*6 mo: turns to/stops activity when name is called; does previously learned task on verbal cue
*9 mo: responds to ‘no’
*12 mo: points to/looks at 3 objects, people, body parts named
*15 mo: follows simple commands
*18 mo: indicates ‘yes’/’no’ in response to questions
Expressive language (4-18 mo)
*4-5 mo: vocalizes to get attention, babbles
*6 mo: laughs appropriately; vocalizes to get return of object
*10 mo: imitates familiar 2 syllable words “ma-ma, da-da”
*12 mo: imitates 2 syllable words with syllable changes (baby, uh-oh) and familiar objects, first appropriate use of words emerge here.
*15 mo: begins to indicate wants with words
*18 mo: imitates environmental sounds during play; uses inflection when babbling, consistently uses single words to convey thoughts and desires