Week 2 Flashcards
Resistors use
- Limiting current
• Regulating voltages
• Generating heat (special resist
Resistance formulas
R = V / I
In series Rtot = R1 + R2…
In parallel 1/Rtot = 1/R1 + 1/R2
Vout = Vin * R2/(R1+R2)
voltage over resistors is equal in a voltage divider
resistor strength
last one is tolerance/accuracy, second to last is number of zeroes. the rest is the rest of the numbers
conducts in one direction block the other > trafic control
useful when converting AC to DC
light emitting diode
Vled = Vsource - VR
P = Vled * I
forward voltage 1.2-3.6 forward current 10-30mA
Stretching limits = breaking LED
storage of electrical charge/energy, it is not a battery but for short & fast charge
capacity is measured in Fahrad
do not switch poles
What is a capacitator useful for
- For smoothing/short term energy storage (e.g., fluctuating power supply)
- For filtering (e.g., for blocking low/high frequency signals)
- For power bursting (e.g., defibrillators, pulsed lasers, particle accelerators)
- For power outage handling (e.g., powering your circuit just long enough to save status
‘active’ component, acts like ‘valves’ in a circuit, has two main types: BJT and FET
usefull when wanting to sswitch things on and of, amplify a signal or build logic
difference BJT and FET
BJT: current controled, linear relation I/o, low current applications, slow, cheap, robust
FET = other way around
How does switching work transistors
control pin, load, ground
BJT: Base, collectot, Emitter
FET: gate, drain, source
important transistor concepts
hFE : current gain / ‘amplification factor’
* E.g., for BJTs, h FE=100 means ICE = 100*IBE
* Saturation: the amount to which a transistor is ‘open’
* For amplification, you might want to avoid ‘full saturation’
* For switching, you want ‘full saturation
how to find the right resistor
for a constant load > BJT
for variable load or energy efficient > FET
make or break a connection, can be momentary or latching, most mechanical buttons bounce
usefull when turning prototype on or off (latching), resseting a circuit (momentary, user input (momentary) and mode selection (latching switch)
debouncing is someties necessary
variable resistors, has three pins to allow for voltage dividing.
used for fine analog input, volume, brightnes of light etc.
important pot meter concepts
variable resistance > can cause led to burn > use practice resistor
light dependent resistor, more light = less resistance.
Always check range accuracy and tolerance for your requirements
temperature meter, the resistance is relative to temperature, temperature rises>resistance lower.
NTC concepts
always check range, accuracy and tolerance for requirements. Mind that current flowig through the ntc heats up
how to use an NTC
need a voltage divider, constructed by two resistors.
pietzo disc
converts mechanical to electrical energy and vice versa.
Detect vibrations, can ditect loud sounds, can be used as contact microphones, drum trigger, output sound, haptic feedback, some generate mist
for example output pietzo sound: it will continue to ouput sound even if it is not finished playing the last tone