week 2 Flashcards
“Refers to any behaviour within an intimate relationship that causes physical, psychological or sexual harm to those in the relationship” WHO, 2012
Reynolds and Schweitzer (1998)
How many women and men experience sexual violence un their lives (stats)
One in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime
Incidence of IPV murders
40% to 60% of murders of women in North America are committed by intimate partners
Incidence of IPV (stats can)
Overall, 44% of women reported experiencing some kind of psychological, physical, or sexual violence. men, 36% reported experiencing IPV in their lifetime.”
“Psychological abuse was the most common
Facts about rape
15 of 16 rapists walk free.
Rape is not an act of impulsive, uncontrolled passion; it is a premeditated act of violence
Anyone can be sexually assaulted. Children, the elderly, and people with physical and mental disabilities are easy targets for perpetrators because of their vulnerability.
Characteristics of an Abuser
History of childhood abuse
Abuse of substances
Trouble with justice system
Few close relationships
Traditional gender role expectations
Generation-to-generation continuum of violence
Acquainted Rape
forced sex by a person the victim knows
Date Rape
assault occurs within a dating or marriage situation
Statutory Rape
sexual activity between an adult and a person under 18 years, even if underage person was willing
Human Trafficking
Victims primarily women and children lacking education, employment, and economic opportunities in own country
victims have visible recurrent injury to:
Head, face, torso, teeth
Perforated eardrums
Broken bones
Bruising Patterns
sleep disturbances
Primary Prevention
breaking the abuse cycle through community initiatives
Secondary Prevention
dealing with victims and abusers in early stages to prevent progression of abuse
Tertiary Prevention
helping severely abused women and children recover and become productive members of society and rehabilitating abusers to stop the cycle of violence
Mandatory Reporting Situations
There is mandatory reporting of sexual assault of a minor under 16 to CAS if there is a relationship of trust, authority, or dependency
There is mandatory reporting of abuse of a minor to CAS; and there is mandatory reporting to CAS if an adult reports violence in the home and there are children 16 and under living
Legal obligation to report suspected sexual abuse of a patient by a nurse to the CNO.
“the inability to conceive a child after 1 year of regular sexual intercourse unprotected by contraception for women under the age of 35, or 6 months of trying for women over the age of 35” (SOGC, 2018)
Primary Infertility
first time trying to get pregnant
Secondary Infertility
already have child, trying to get pregnant again
Ovarian Factors
pituitary or hypothalamic disorders
insufficient fat
Thyroid disorders
Uterine Factors
dvlpmntl anomalies of uterus
Asherman syndrome (scar tissue)
vaginal Cervical factors
inadequate mucus
Tubal factors
dvlpmntl anomalies
reduced tubal motility
Testicular Factors
undescended testes
viral infections
impotence from alcohol and drugs
Factors associated with sperm transport
Sexually transmitted infections of the epididymis
Ejaculatory dysfunction
Premature ejaculation
Assessment of Infertility
diagnostic tests
ultrasound (transvaginal)
hormone analysis
Assessment of couple (infertility)
postcoital test (interaction of sperm and mucus)
therapeutic management
Assisted reproductive technologies
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) removing the eggs, combining them with sperm, and immediately placing them in the fallopian tubes, where the egg is fertilized
what is a Hysterosalpingography
determines whether client have a tubal obstruction
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is performed to determine whether a client has a tubal obstruction. The nurse explains to the client that infertility caused by a defect in the tube is most often related to what?
a. A tubal injury
b. Past infection
c. A fibroid tumor
d. A congenital anomaly
first trimester abortion
Surgical (aspiration) abortion
Methotrexate and misoprostol
Mifepristone and misoprostol
second trimester abortion
Dilation and evacuation (D&E)
Medical induction
Hypertonic and uterotonic agents