Week 18 Flashcards
What is ecology?
Ecology refers to the interactions between living organisms and their habitats
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity – the variety of plant and animal life, their distribution and number; affected by environmental degradation (e.g., blue whales, whitetailed deer, white pine trees, sunflowers, and microscopic bacteria).
What is environmental degradation?
Environmental degradation is caused mainly by human activity, associated with industrialization, which originated in today’s developed
What is rapidly growing developing economies?
Rapidly growing developing economies (e.g., India and China) have prioritised economic development but now face environmental pressures –
from their own populations and from the international community.
What is climate change?
Climate change can result from natural
causes or human activity
Global warming currently caused by buildup of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the earth’s
Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) are
particularly to blame, caused by:
Burning of fossil fuels, especially coalfired power stations
Factory production
Emissions are growing the quickest in the
world’s large emerging economies (e.g., India & China).
What are Impacts of climate change
All continents experience shifts in climate due to
climate change
Heatwaves, drought, desertification, floods and
hurricanes are some of the phenomena
Insecurity of supplies of food and water
Rising sea levels affect islands and low-lying
Threats are worse for poor developing countries and vulnerable to floods, droughts and storms; risks